Harmonic Highlights Report

    A cool natal report based on harmonics and cosmobiology. Very good personality insights in this report. This report gives a brief interpretation of your birth chart. You will be impressed by the ways in which the aspects interpreted in this report which describe major issues in your life and in your personality that are not described as clearly by the more commonly used aspects. Hopefully this analysis of harmonic aspects will be useful and helpful to you.

   If you are an astrologer and you currently do not use harmonic aspects, reading several Harmonic Highlights Reports of friends and family may make you a believer in harmonic aspects. Adding these additional aspects to your interpretation does add greater complexity and detail to your analysis, and keeping a clear, integrated view of the astrology chart becomes more difficult, but astrology is likely to grow in sophistication as it evolves and develops in the 21st century.

   This report uses all the Major and Minor aspects to give you a detailed paragraph format of your natal report -- all about you. The total amount of pages depend on the natal chart. My clients love this report and find it very accurate. When two planets are separated by a particular angle, astrologers believe that the influences of the two planets combine to create a strong effect on a person. In ancient astrology and much modern astrology five angles are considered very important: 0, 60, 80, 120, and 180 degrees.

   These important angles are known as "aspects". In modern times, many astrologers also interpret aspects of 30, 45, 135, and 150 degrees. Some astrologers also use a variety of other angles, such as 72, 144, 40, 80, and many other angles. In the late 20th century a branch of astrology known as "harmonic astrology" developed and practitioners of harmonic astrology believe that there are many hundreds of different aspects, so harmonic astrology has greatly increased the complexity of astrological interpretation.

    Not all astrologers are convinced that these additional aspects are important. Harmonic astrologers also group together various aspects which they believe to have a similar influence. For example, the fractions of 1/9 (40 degrees), 2/9 (80 degrees), and 4/9 (160 degrees) of a circle are known as "9th harmonic aspects". Given below are interpretations of the following 6 aspects: (1) the semisextile aspect, which is 30 degrees, (2) 24th harmonic aspects, (3) 16th and 32nd harmonic aspects, (4) quintiles and biquintiles, also known as 5th harmonic aspects, (5) the septile, biseptile, and triseptile aspects, also known as 7th harmonic aspects, and (6) the novile, binovile, and quadnovile aspects, also known as 9th harmonic aspects. These additional aspects are known as minor aspects or harmonic aspects.

   There are many other aspects used in harmonic astrology, but these aspects are among the most important and powerful, and hence this report describes some of the most important Harmonic Highlights in your astrology chart.

Approx 5 pages
 Price: 2,50$


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