Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2015

Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2015

Areas of Expansion in 2015 for Scorpio: 

 Career, Reputation, Friendships, Groups, Causes, hopes

Your Scorpio 2015 Horoscope, Jupiter Profile, points to areas of life that are destined to expand and grow.

Until August 11, 2015, your ambitions, career, business goals, and reputation continue to grow and develop. Your talents and skills are recognized now like never before. All of the hard work you've put in begins to pay off and is rewarded - or at the very least, recognized. This influence has been active since July 2014.

This can be a time of significant progress in the outer world. You may be expanding your reach. You are in the limelight in some way during this cycle. Although it's a great period for expansion and recognition on a professional level, and you should take advantage of it, choose your projects carefully. Don't take on more than you can handle. Watch also for gossip or mishandling of information. Be wary of situations that could get blown out of proportion or misunderstood.

Your hard work and effort can be recognized now, and this can be especially true for your talents, reliability, and practical insight. You could find yourself in a position that truly suits you. You can take great pride in the work you do. You may be putting more resources and money into your career pursuits. For some of you, more prestige or a higher social standing may be part of the picture now. You can be quite charismatic in a position of authority or responsibility. Advancement in achieving an important goal can occur now. Your reputation may be enhanced in some significant way. You have more faith in your goals and aspirations during this period of your life.

This is a time when believing in yourself, your competency, and your ability to take the lead opens up opportunities to you.

There may be difficulties with a romantic partner or child who is at odds with the energy and time you are pouring into your career or public life, particularly in February. Watch for provocative commentary, especially in May. Personal responsibilities and possibly self-restrictions can be challenging in August, affecting your growth in the outside world.

However, for the most part, you are likely to take advantage of this period in your life in order to expand your reach. Until June can be especially strong for practical matters, business, financial improvement, and recognition for past hard work as well as natural talents and skills, with forward movement the most obvious from April 9th to June. This is a time for innovation and progress - thinking outside of the box works to your advantage.

From August 11th onward, your connections to others, group associations, and friendships expand and grow.

This is a time when you are filled with ideas about the future. You are planting seeds, so to speak, aiming to get started on projects that will reap rewards in the future. While this can be exciting, try not to take on more than you can handle. Your vision is quite optimistic, and you might over-estimate what you are capable of doing down the road! However, one or two projects can be inspiring and also quite innovative.

With more contact with others, whether it's about an expanded in-person group of connections or online, you are sure to come up with new ideas and to be inspired. Others can point you in new directions. There can be a cause that you work towards enthusiastically. A new communications project can excite you and bring you into contact with interesting, helpful people. Business income should increase.

Potential negatives: 

Over-emphasis on activities that take you away from your practical responsibilities, too often. There may be difficulties with a romantic partner or children who may be at odds with the energy and time you are pouring into your friendships and causes, or there can be challenges keeping up with work and daily affairs, particularly in September and November.

However, for the most part, you are likely to take advantage of this period in your life in order to expand your social life and friends base, and to dream up exciting new paths for the future. Strong energy is with you for expressing yourself, networking, and building a following for your ideas and work, particularly from October forward. You have a better ability to effect change, especially through your increased powers of persuasion. People may be looking to you for direction or leadership. Making connections that improve your life can figure strongly now. This influence will be in effect until September 2016.

Areas of Contraction and Lessons in Simplicity:

 Personality, Manner, Body, Outlook, Personal Image, Finances, Values

Your Scorpio 2015 Horoscope, Saturn Profile, points to areas of contraction, restriction, and necessary "slimming down" in order to test for stable foundations. There are always areas of life that require more simplicity. Tests may be part of the picture as you learn that life with only growth and expansion can run away with itself.

From June 14 to September 17, 2015, the areas of your life that require a "back to basics" approach again this year are associated with the sector of your chart that rules your personal mannerisms, personality, image, and appearance. It also rules how you initiate things -- your first impulse for coping with day-to-day demands. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life, as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen.

This influence began October 5th, 2012, and is with you for part of this year, from June 14th to September 17th. This is the final haul! It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Scorpio.

During this cycle you are likely to be more cautious and, at times, pessimistic. Illusions about the self, the body, and personal abilities will no longer be tolerated. The end result is a newfound identity and a realistic understanding of the self. In terms of career and projects, outward signs of progress may not be as forthcoming, yet the work that you do during this transit will lay a foundation for future success and progress!

It's a strong time for literally slimming down if that's a goal. You can more successfully begin new and improved health regimens, diets, and the like, simply because it is a time when you look in the mirror and see yourself clearly -- instead of what you want to see. You can be more serious during this phase, with more concern for your responsibilities and duties. You are getting in touch with your inner strength. This is a grounding energy that gets you back in touch with reality.

Try not to come across as a heavy during this period -- not everyone is going through the same cycle at the same time as you. Others are seeing you as more responsible, and you might attract a special admirer in part because of this. You are inclined to view creative projects in a more practical light, and could quite successfully work on bringing more structure to them, building a strong foundation for future profits. A pastime can be turned into a profitable venture. You can work harder and with more concentration on personal projects at this time. Some of you could become authorities or masters at a particular skill or topic. Self-discipline comes more naturally.

The best way to handle Saturn's transit through your sign is to meet your responsibilities to the best of your ability. Do take a closer look at the areas you've allowed to slide, and listen to your feelings of disappointment, but don't let this turn into regret or resentment. Instead, focus on making improvements and keep in mind the long-term. Short-sightedness now can get you into trouble. Impatience will not be rewarded. Think in terms of the long view.

Last year during this Saturn transit you had the support of your ruler, Pluto, via a sextile. While Saturn and Pluto are still in mutual reception, they form a challenging aspect in May-June, and this can point to some difficulty, particularly related to communications and self-expression, and also transportation and mechanical problems. Daily tasks can be overwhelming at times. Personal responsibilities and possibly self-restrictions can be challenging in August, affecting your growth in the outside world/career.

Until June 14th, and then from September 17th onward, the areas of your life that require a "back to basics" approach are associated with the sector of your chart that governs personal finances, income derived from your own efforts (this excludes shared finances and financial support through debts and rebates), personal possessions, self-esteem, personal talents, and personal values. There may be tests of sorts in these areas of life, as if the universe is checking that the foundations are strong. Things built on weak foundations may very well crack under the pressure of these tests. Those that are strong will endure and strengthen.

This influence is new for you, having only begun December 23rd, 2014, and will be with you until December, 2017. It can be felt most strongly earlier or later in the cycle, depending on whether you were born earlier or later in the sign of Scorpio. This year, those born in the first four days of Scorpio are most directly affected.

Tests can come to your financial affairs during this cycle. You are challenged to better manage your personal resources, and to come up with a fair and realistic assessment of your value or worth as well. You may be necessarily more cautious about entering into heavy financial commitments during this period, and more cautious in general with spending. Worries can surface about your earning power, but as you progress, the ideal end result will be a stronger sense of what you are capable of earning, better spending and saving habits, and a more realistic budget. Cutting back on some luxuries may be in order, but you may just discover that the security you gain is more important than the luxuries you let go.

Particularly in April-May, a scattered approach to your daily life and record-keeping can negatively impact your finances. From November 2015 to September 2016, when Saturn squares Neptune, if you've been spending too much on entertainment or romance, you'll feel the pinch and will need to take some steps to cut back.

Overall, however, this should be a rewarding cycle for coming to a better position in the management of your material resources. You are exceptionally security-minded at this time and you can begin or step up savings plans. Look for overlapping or unnecessary expenses and other redundancies, and aim to rid yourself of material clutter. Writing, teaching, and communicating your ideas could figure strongly in your business and may contribute more to your personal income than previously

Areas of Excitement, Innovation, Independence, and Speed: 

Work, Daily Routines, Service, health, Self-Care

Your 2015 Scorpio Horoscope, Uranus Profile, points to areas of your life that seem to speed up so that you are able to take some risks, innovate, and revolutionize.

In March 2011, you entered a lengthy period in which your work, daily routines, and health may be unpredictable and unusual, but also inspiring and exciting. This influences continues throughout 2015 and beyond, until March 2019. You can bring fresh insight into your work now, although you might be impatient with rules and schedules. Daily routines can be chaotic and your energy tends to be up and down.

Ultimately, you are looking for a more authentic expression of yourself on the level of work, and while it can be a little chaotic for now, you are learning to tap into your "inner genius". While some of you may be more interested in alternative health practices, many of you may be ignoring important health routines. Watch for carelessness with your health. Try to keep regular health appointments.

Sudden changes or upsets are more likely in mid-March, early May, and October, when chaos can rule in your daily life (but only if you let it). Watch for provocative or temperamental comments, which can get you into trouble with co-workers, neighbors, and relatives. There can also be challenges funding projects, or getting compensated for all that you do. You have a low threshold for boredom at times this year, and while inner restlessness can certainly push you to make important changes, it can also attract some trouble if you are living on auto-pilot and not consciously directing your energies into productive channels.

The more positive influences of this transit are easier to come by until June, when recognition for your less orthodox or traditional ideas may be forthcoming. You are innovative and progressive, and this can help you to advance your goals.

Areas of Change, Purging, & Transformation: 

Communications, Transportation, Personality, Partnerships, Work, Inner Life

Your 2015 Scorpio Horoscope reveals areas of life in which change and transformation take place. It's a time for "out with the old, in with the new".

Communications, learning, and daily life continue to transform this year. This can be an excellent period for studies, writing, and communicating, especially from October forward, when you are especially creative and seem to have your finger on the pulse of what others are feeling and wanting. Mutually beneficial connections can be made. People may be looking to you for direction or leadership. Making connections that improve your life can figure strongly now. However, there may be some challenges in mid-March, due to a chaotic daily life and lack of structure. Sudden events or circumstances can leave you feeling a little insecure. Watch especially in February and May for a tendency to be a little too provocative in your communications, which can be misconstrued or work against you.

In 2015, the Moon's Nodes and eclipse activity continue to affect your sectors of service to others, work, daily routines, and health. Watch for bad habits that affect your health. Recognizing your personal limitations in terms of just how much you can give to others and just how much compassion and understanding you can show is essential now. You are also learning to rid yourself of guilt about under-performing, and to develop faith and trust in a larger more spiritual plan. It's time to let go of some of your fears that you are not doing enough, to develop more compassion and understanding of others, and to be humble, feeling safe in the knowledge that you (and others) are not perfect. With the North Node in your spirituality sector most of the year (until October-November), your challenge is to get in touch with your innermost needs and yearnings, which ultimately will bring you joy and opportunity. This is one of the major keys to happiness in 2015.

As well, and especially in the last quarter of the year, your sectors of friendships, romantic relationships, and creative matters are affected. These areas of life are going through transformations, sometimes dramatic ones. Friends and lovers may come and go, for example. One of the major keys to happiness this year is learning to team up with others successfully instead of going it alone or pushing to stand out as unique with the North Node in your sector of friendships, groups, and teamwork from October-November forward, and particularly around the eclipses in March and September.

Your Planetary Ruler in 2015: 

Pluto is your planetary ruler. Pluto remains in mutual reception with Saturn from mid-June to mid-September, but these bodies are in challenging aspect with one another this year, suggesting some difficulties expressing yourself. Good news is that Pluto finishes its long-term square to Uranus in mid-March. This ends some of the instability you've been feeling, particularly with work, daily life, and health. More power to you when your ruler trines Jupiter in your social sector from October forward. Beautiful energy is with you for personal influence, making connections, networking, and communicating.

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