Scorpio - Positive and Negative Side

scorpio positive sideThe Scorpio Personality Expressed Positively

It is in the nature of Scorpio to pursue an interest or endeavor to its limit, regardless of personal cost or effort. That is how a Scorpio best fulfills his destiny. This is a Sun sign of extremes, and Scorpio often takes his desire for secrecy very seriously, resulting in cordial yet careful relationships.


 On a Positive Note

 Scorpios displaying the positive characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

  • protective of loved ones
  • magnetic and dynamic
  • compassionate and emotional 
  • tenacious and probing
  • safety conscious 
  • passionate
  • intense concentrators 
  • sensual
  • intuitive

scorpio negative sideThe Scorpio Personality Expressed Negatively

A frustrated Scorpio can be a difficult and angry person. Usually this is the result of feeling as if she has a lack of power or a sense that her life is not progressing in the way she hoped. Since it can be hard for an unhappy Scorpio to admit any fault, she has a tendency to blame others for her failures.

Negative Traits

Scorpios displaying the negative characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

  • ruthless and vindictive
  • jealous and possessive
  • suspicious
  • self-destructive
  • intolerant and sarcastic
  • obstinate
  • secretive
  • moody
  • insulting
To get the whole picture, you should read traits of your Ascendant, too! Calculate it or find it in the Table

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