Aries - Positive and Negative Side

The Aries Personality Expressed Positively who are driven to push the boundaries of their chosen passion display the self-reliant, confident, and resourceful personality of their sign. They realize that they are on their own, but that that is a good thing, as it motivates them to be a shining example of what it means to be your own person.

On a Positive Note

Aries Positive side
Aries displaying the positive characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

  • action oriented, taking charge of situations 
  • energetic and enthusiastic
  • inclined to engage in networking 
  • vivacious
  • positive 
  • heroic 
  • guileless 
  • passionate

The Aries Personality Expressed Negatively

Aries who boss others around and seem to believe that they have no faults display the self-limiting tendencies of their sign. Their desire to get the job done well and quickly may cause them to treat others as lesser beings, especially those they fear may not be up to the task at hand. Aries need to be aware of their human frailties without thinking they are “bad” for having them.

Aries-Negative sideNegative Traits

Aries displaying the negative characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

  • jealous and intolerant 
  • recklessly 
  • impulsive 
  • bossy
  • defiant 
  • immature 
  • insensitive 
  • thoughtless 
  • too honest 
  • quick to quit

Outwardly, Aries are soldiers and strong willed by nature. It’s rare that you find a meek or easily manipulated Aries, they’re not having that. But it has to be said that they’re also some of the most fragile people as well, internally. They give a lot of love and cherish genuine bonds formed in their lives. So when they hurt, they hurt for real. Will you always see that? No. They prefer to appear a certain way to others, but rest assured, their hearts are golden when you appreciate their sparkle

To get the whole picture, you should read traits of your Ascendant, too! Calculate it or find it in the Table

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