Capricorn - Negative and Positive Side

The Capricorn Personality Expressed Positively

Surefooted and thoroughly practical, in the end the Capricorn goat always reaches the heights, beating others who are faster but less determined. He knows that substance and endurance will win out over flash and style every time. A Capricorn who is true to himself may appear to be somewhat cold and emotionally detached, yet those born under this sign are also generous and kindhearted.

On a Positive Note

Capricorns displaying the positive characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:
  • good at organizing 
  • respectful of authority
  • cautious, realistic, and conventional 
  • hardworking and scrupulous 
  • ambitious and good at business 
  • people with high standards 
  • individuals who honor traditions 
  • givers of sound advice
  • calculating before taking action

The Capricorn Personality Expressed Negatively

A Capricorn who is frustrated or unhappy will have trouble getting along with people unless she is the one in authority. Capricorns are emotional but may choose to hide their feelings for fear of appearing weak. They can be a depressing influence on others, due to their rather stoic nature. Because success matters so much to them, they may be opportunistic at times.

Negative Traits

Capricorns displaying the negative characteristics associated with their sign tend to be:

  • melancholy 
  • fatalistic
  • rarely satisfied
  • cynical and unforgiving
  • selfish
  • plodding
  • manipulative
  • egotistical
  • loners

To get the whole picture, you should read traits of your Ascendant, too! Calculate it or find it in the Table

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