12 Cusps Zodiac Signs

Check out the explanation of the Cusp Meaning

Were you born in between two Signs? Is your birthday between the 16th and 24nd of the month? 

 cusp zodiac signs

Choose your cusp:

Aries/Taurus Cusp (April 19-23)

The Cusp of Power is a force to be reckoned with

 Aries is ruled by Mars, is a Fire element and Cardinal (active) in quality. Taurus is ruled by Venus, is an Earth element and Fixed (stubborn) in quality. You may feel torn between action and weighing situations very carefully. You may be an impulse buyer and still feel a deep need to save money. Yet, when you’re in balance you manage your energy, initiative and determination to achieve – making you one of the most successful cusp combinations.

Taurus/Gemini Cusp (May 19-23)

The Cusp of Energy charges on
 Taurus is ruled by Venus, is an Earth element and Fixed (stubborn) in quality. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, is an Air element and Mutable (changeable) in quality. Taurus’ determination and stability combines well with Gemini’s intellectual energies. You’ll be a force in your chosen field as long as there is room for your energy, ambition and you’re given lots of mental stimulation.

Gemini/Cancer Cusp (June 19-23)

Shazam! Were you born on the Cusp of Magic?
 Gemini is ruled by Mercury, is an Air element and Mutable (changeable) in quality. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, is a Water element and Cardinal (active) in quality. Gemini’s extraordinarily adaptive mental abilities matched with Cancer’s deep emotionalism can make for an emotional intellectual or a neurotic over-analyzer. This pairing has the potential for great insight and depth – if balanced is achieved.



Cancer/Leo Cusp (July 19-23)

Swinging along with the Cusp of Oscillation
 Cancer is ruled by the Moon, is a Water element and Cardinal (active) in quality. Leo is ruled by the Sun, is a Fire element and Fixed (stubborn) in quality. Cancer’s deep need for intimate emotional connection is sometimes in conflict with Leo’s need to be shining alone in the spotlight. Yet, if the creative abilities of both signs are directed at making an emotional connection with an audience, great artistic success can be the result.

Leo/Virgo Cusp (August 19-23)

The Cusp of Exposure isn't as naughty as it sounds
 Leo is ruled by the Sun, is a Fire element and Fixed (stubborn) in quality. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, is an Earth element and Mutable (changeable) in quality. Leo’s need to take center stage and Virgo’s need to render self-sacrificing service can be at odds. A successful balance means getting the ego’s needs fulfilled but not at the cost of giving to others.

 Virgo/Libra Cusp  (September 19-23)

The Cusp of Beauty is a beautiful thing, indeed

Virgo is ruled by Mercury, is an Earth element and Mutable (changeable) in quality. Libra is ruled by Venus, is an Air element and Cardinal (active) in quality. Virgo’s devotion to lending aid and support works quite nicely with Libra’s need to create partnership. The best balance between the two is by starting an endeavor that benefits others through the expression of creativity, beauty...


Libra/Scorpio Cusp (October 19-23)


Which passion sign are you?
 Libra is ruled by Venus, is an Air element and Cardinal (active) in quality. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, is a Water element and Fixed (stubborn) in quality. Libra’s gift for love, for balance, and for partnership makes strange bedfellows with Scorpio’s tendency for secrets, drama and deception. The best use of all this dynamic energy is to create life transforming, creative relationships between people or organizations.



Scorpio/Sagittarius Cusp (November 19-23)

Are you a true Fire or Water sign?

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, is a Water element and Fixed (stubborn) in quality. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, is an Fire element and Mutable (changeable) in quality. Scorpio gets the hidden core of every issue while Sagittarius has an encyclopedic knowledge of nearly everything. This pairing can make for a wonderful academic mind, either as a teacher, consultant or researcher. Success may be found through publishing those amazing ideas.

Sagittarius/Capricorn Cusp (December 19-23)

The Cusp of Prophecy is a beautiful thing
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, is a Fire element and Mutable (changeable) in quality. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, is an Earth element and Cardinal (active) in quality. Sagittarius’ roaming qualities are somewhat opposed to Capricorn’s essential bent for security and caution. Yet, when both energies are harnessed and working together, the opportunity for a rich ability to manifest successful ideas, schemes and businesses is unparalleled.

Capricorn/Aquarius Cusp (January 19-23)

The Cusp of Mystery and Imagination is never a dull thing
 Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, is an Earth element and Cardinal (active) in quality. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, is an Air element and Fixed (stubborn) in quality. Capricorn likes to build, to establish, to take stock while airy Aquarius likes to toss things in the air and see where they land. This combination of caution and chaos can be disconcerting in one personality. When these energies are in balance the chance to create      something enduring and innovative is unequaled. 

Aquarius/Pisces Cusp (February 19-23)

The Cusp of Sensitivity: A dreamy, compassionate place
 Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, is an Air element and Fixed (stubborn) in quality. Pisces is ruled by Neptune, is a Water element and Mutable (changeable) in quality. Freedom loving, innovative Aquarius adds an unpredictable edge to dreamy, romantic Pisces. This pairing can mean great spiritual depth and insight, and/or groundbreaking creative work.

Pisces/Aries Cusp (March 19 – 23)

The Cusp of Rebirth knows what it wants, and it wants it NOW

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, is a Water element and Mutable (changeable) in quality. Aries is ruled by Mars, is a Fire element and Cardinal (active) in quality. This Fire-Water combination is highly creative, idealistic and emotional. Sensitive Pisces can dampen the initiative of go-getter Aries, but if they are in balance, Aries will have the energy and courage to realize the vision of Pisces.

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