Sagittarius - Positive and Negative Side


The Sagittarius Personality Expressed Positively

Sagittarians are naturally playful and good-humored. They have a laid-back, philosophical view about life and people that keeps them from taking themselves, their problems, and their concerns too seriously. At their very best they are self-deprecating and free-spirited. Although they are likely to have some firm opinions on many issues, they are the spirit of tolerance.

On a Positive Note

Sagittarians displaying the positive characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

  • inspiring and stimulating
  • optimistic and enthusiastic
  • interested in diversity
  • honest and fair-minded
  • spiritual
  • frank and open
  • adventurous
  • forgiving, without holding grudges
  • generous

The Sagittarius Personality Expressed Negatively

SAGITTARIUSWhen Sagittarians channel the negative side of their nature, they may appear to be rather priggish and self-righteous. If they are extremely religious they can have problems getting along with people who don't share their moral view. Also, because they are never hesitant to share their opinions with others, they can find it difficult to keep from lecturing people, hoping to convert them to their point of view.

Negative Traits

Sagittarians displaying the negative characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

  • feisty and impatient
  • blundering and careless
  • preachy afraid of any heavy responsibility
  • gamblers at heart
  • indulgent of their own cravings
  • roamers, never settling down
  • failures at planning adequately
  • potentially fanatical



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