Children Zodiac Signs

The Watery Children

The Cancer Child

CANCER (June 22 - July 23)

The Cancer Child

This is a sensitive child who learns through her emotional memory. She strongly relates to others but needs the security of family and routine, soon disappearing into her shell if she feels insecure. She is generous and willing to help others.

Personality key: Protective, nurturing, emotional, kind, thoughtful, expressive, sympathetic, and a creature of habit.

Parent power: Give constant reassurance to build up your Cancer child's self-confidence.

The typical Cancer child:

likes to be hugged
may cry a lot
changes moods from day to day
likes to save money
can manipulate to get what he wants
loves mealtime
is fascinated by picture books
gets her feelings hurt easily
withdraws if unhappy
can play alone for hours
conjures up imaginary playmates
likes traditional fairy tales and myths

The Scorpio Child

SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 22)
The Scorpio Child

This child's emotions run deep and hidden. Her emotional memory is total - what interests her at an emotional level will stay with her for life. She is secretive and a deep thinker. She's an all-or-nothing child - no half measures - and a valuable asset in the classroom. She may be suspicious of those she does not know, but sees commitment as long-term and expects the same from others.

Personality key: Resourceful, intimate, secretive, loyal, emotional, mysterious, passionate, and analytical.

Parent power: Never try to fob off your Scorpio child with half-truths - she will always know the difference.

The typical Scorpio child:

is very possessive of toys and belongings
may have an imaginary playmate
holds her fears inside
is cautious with strangers
is a good little detective
enjoys a contest and likes to win
learns from mistakes
can be a discipline problem
is loyal to family and friends
gets revenge if crossed
gets along well with adults

The Pisces Child

PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20)
The Pisces Child
This child cares about others and willingly places herself in their service. She is kind, loving, and able to empathise with others. Some people will take advantage of this fact. Her imagination works in overdrive, which can produce remarkable artistic output. She is a teller of stories, a daydreamer, and visionary. Music and the arts feed her sensual appetite but her romantic ways may need to visit planet Earth occasionally.

Personality key: Imaginative, loving, caring, self-sacrificing, dreamy, magical, mystical, compassionate, intuitive, and expressive.

Parent power: Help your Pisces child to focus her ideas and she can achieve much on behalf of others.

The typical Pisces child:

loves the world of make-believe
goes his own way
has an active imagination
believes in fairies and angels
rarely loses his temper
has a sweet and engaging smile
has secret conversations with spirits
is artistically gifted
loves animals
looks like something is wrong when lost in thought
knows how others are feeling
blurts out things she has no way of knowing—psychic!
can easily have his feelings hurt
wants to help those in need
needs help standing up to bullies

The Fiery Children

The Aries Child

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 20)

The Aries Child

This child approaches life with high energy and speed, being impulsive and rather a daredevil. Activity is all - he is headfirst into everything, sometimes quite literally. He will be the archetypal bumps-and-bruises toddler. Passionate and committed, he'll assume the role of initiator and leader, and expect playmates to fall in with his right to lead.

Personality key: Passionate, forceful, independent, energetic, courageous, and brave. He has bravado, willpower, and strength.

Parent power: Smooth the way by teaching your Aries child the idea of compromise.

The typical Aries child:

throws tantrums, but quickly recovers
pays attention and wants attention
has a competitive nature
is capable of playing by himself
displays a headstrong will
studies in quick bursts
has a loving and demonstrative nature
is not afraid to do her own thing
can have unusual phobias

The Leo Child

LEO (July 24 - Aug 23)

The Leo Child
This child is not afraid to be himself and loves to show others how good he is. His vitality makes him the eternal performer who thrives in the spotlight. Energetic and generous, with a deep need for recognition, his creative skills are there to be released into the world. Leo is a loyal friend and champion - whatever he does, he does wholeheartedly.

Personality key: Wholehearted, dramatic, romantic, energetic, generous, brave, grand, and excitable.

Parent power: If taught to recognise that others have strengths too, your Leo child can become a positive force in life.

The typical Leo child:

does not like to sit still
tries to be the center of attention
loves games and playacting
has a lot of energy
is sunny and friendly
is adventuresome and brave
enjoys being catered to
is generous with playmates
dislikes being ignored
loves parties and group endeavors
is interested in romance from an early age
will try to direct the actions of other children
can sometimes stretch the truth a bit
likes to pretend to be a parent or an authority

The Sagittarius Child

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 21)

The Sagittarius Child

This child is a boisterous scatter of energy. He goes straight to the point but doesn't always stick around to reap the benefits. He's cheerful and optimistic, perhaps expecting too much from the world. Generous with friends, he will share without counting the cost. He is courageous and loves to explore in every sense of the word.

Personality key: Optimistic, full of expectation, friendly, generous, indulgent, fair, free, philosophical, playful, and energetic.

Parent power: With all that natural curiosity to harness, you can channel your Sagittarius child's focus and application.

The typical Sagittarius child:

is impulsive and adventurous
is happy and playful
is active and gets bumps and bruises as a result
is interested in many subjects
expects total honesty
enjoys being with others
loves to play outdoors
asks endless questions
adores pets and animals
rarely sits still
enjoys being read to

    The Earthly Children

    The Taurus Child

    TAURUS (Apr 21 - May 21)

    The Taurus Child

    This is a pragmatic, sensual child who appreciates what can be owned, tasted, touched, and experienced. This is why she is so good with her hands - she likes to produce what can be seen and appreciated. She is often content to let things remain just as they are, as she loves the security of routine. She'll be loving and generous.

    Personality key: Passive, co-operative, creative, harmonious, beautiful, affectionate, moderate, indulgent, resistant, and sociable.

    Parent power: Teach your Taurus child that sometimes it's beneficial to do things someone else's way.

    The typical Taurus child:

    responds to comfort and affection
    is generally good-natured
    may excel in singing or other forms of music
    possesses more strength than one would suspect
    is usually cuddly, calm, and affectionate
    can be obstinate
    may dislike scratchy or woolen clothes
    may be prone to sore throats
    usually works slowly but steadily at school
    may be selfish with toys or other possessions
    should be encouraged to play sports
    is likely to have many friends

    The Virgo Child

    VIRGO (Aug 24 - Sept 23)
    The Virgo Child
    This is a fastidious child - her eye for detail is beneficial but she needs to learn what's important. She loves cleanliness and tidiness. Her powers of discrimination may make her choosy. She loves to please and rejection will be deeply felt. She is curious and interested in many things, and she is always prepared to apply herself fully to the learning process.

    Personality key: Analytical, clever, efficient, critical, fastidious, precise, methodical, careful, and modest.

    Parent power: Your Virgo child's self-confidence will grow in proportion to the praise she receives.

    The typical Virgo child:

    is quick and alert
    is an excellent mimic
    can learn many things in a short time
    is often an early talker and reader
    gets upset if she forgets something that she previously memorized
    rarely questions authority
    frequently questions facts
    is honest and reliable
    demonstrates shyness with strangers
    loves to do jobs around the home, imitating an adult
    can be a fussy eater
    tends to be tidy, with occasional bouts of disorganization
    gets very upset if teased

    The Capricorn Child

    CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 20)
    The Capricorn Child
    Capricorn is a very serious child - an old head on young shoulders. Tenacious, she will work tirelessly to achieve her goals. She's ambitious and unafraid of hard work. She is a structured thinker; encouraging her imagination and optimism will mean she can achieve a great deal in the classroom. She likes to be appreciated and encouraged for her efforts.

    Personality key: Orderly, committed, tenacious, careful, formal, traditional, purposeful, responsible, serious, and thorough.

    Parent power: Your wise Capricorn child will pick up on what you say – so be careful what you say in front of her.

    The typical Capricorn child:

    is well behaved and responsible
    likes to work on long-term projects
    enjoys setting goals
    can be highly competitive
    worries about her grades
    has respect for other people's things
    is serious but lightens up as he grows older
    usually formulates her life path early on
    has a good though often dark sense of humor
    plays at being an expert or authority figure
    seems older than his years
    likes to stay close to home
    enjoys school and contests of all kinds

    The Airy Children

    The Libra Child

    LIBRA (Sept 24 - Oct 23)

    The Libra Child

    This child loves beauty and comfort. He will often act as peacemaker and go-between, unable to bear discord and inequality. At times, he tries too hard to please everyone, so he may seem indecisive. He is fair, honest, and never gives offence if he can avoid it, but can be strong-minded. He loves security and the company of others. A loyal friend and champion.

    Personality key: Aesthetic, artistic, loving, co-operative, harmonious, fair, and sociable.

    Parent power: Your unassuming Libra child may be a peace-maker, but that doesn't mean she won't stand up for herself.

    The typical Libra child:

    hates having to decide between two things
    does not like to be hurried
    has a naturally sweet temperament
    always seems mature for her age
    likes to be fair and to be treated fairly
    can charm her friends and parents
    obeys rules if they make sense
    loves bubble baths
    likes candy and desserts
    shares toys with other children
    is usually neat and clean
    is kindhearted

    The Aquarius Child

    AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19)

    The Aquarius Child

    This child will always be a total original. He is a born innovator and will not dance to anyone else's tune. He may respond to a less regimented learning programme, quickly and energetically absorbing information. Often quicker to learn than his playmates, he may become frustrated. He likes to be seen and appreciated for what he alone can do. He values his freedom and independence highly.

    Personality key: Individual, original, eccentric, extreme, defiant, experimental, erratic, disruptive, innovative, and independent.

    Parent power: The trick is to keep your Aquarius child occupied and therefore interested.

    The typical Aquarius child:

    tends to be forgetful
    is sensitive and intuitive
    has unpredictable moods
    possesses amazing talents
    finds everything and everyone interesting
    is generous and kind to friends
    can have sudden outbursts of temper
    rebels against rules and regulations
    has lots of friends
    is very bright and grasps ideas quickly

      The Gemini Child

      GEMINI (May 22 - June 21)

      The Gemini Child

      This child is one of the world's natural communicators. Variety is the spice of Gemini's life. Like a butterfly, he finds the next activity much more interesting than the first. He can be a noisy chatterbox, exhaustingly full of high physical energy, and is a quick mover. His interest isn't easily sustained, so boredom can set in easily.

      Personality key: Quick, talkative, clever, witty, dexterous, intelligent, logical, expressive, verbal, and adaptable.

      Parent power: Staying power can be encouraged by ensuring your Gemini child masters one skill thoroughly before moving to the next.

      The typical Gemini child:

      is happy, bright, and alert
      may have trouble falling asleep
      usually learns to read quickly
      is extremely talkative
      can be quite adventurous
      will become cranky if tired
      moves quickly
      may be a tattler
      loves singing and gabbing
      needs lots of toys and games
      is friendly to adults
      is good with his hands
      sometimes has an imaginary friend

        It's s good idea to 

        CHECK OUT YOUR CHILD'S ASCENDANT and read this article for it's Ascendant Sign, too!


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