Gemini - Positive and Negative Side

The Gemini Personality Expressed Positively

Gemini Positive Traits
Geminis who are interested in everything are expressing the best qualities of their sign: versatility,
dexterity, and intelligence. When Geminis are happy they are a joy to be around, displaying their
intelligence in a witty way that isn't snobbish or vain. And they delight in being able to help anyone
who is not as quick-witted, knowledgeable, or versatile as they are.

On a Positive Note

Geminis displaying the positive characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

  • articulate and entertaining
  • adaptable and versatile
  • open to alternative ways of thinking
  • good with their hands
  • youthful in attitude and appearance
  • witty and charming
  • inquisitive and smart
  • graced with a quick mind and body

The Gemini Personality Expressed Negatively

Gemini Negative Traits
Few people who see the lighthearted and upbeat side of Gemini ever suspect that the very same
person can often feel desperately alone and lost. This is usually caused by the Gemini's tendency to
distance herself from her feelings and examine them as if they belong to someone else. If a Gemini
doesn't have a way to channel her love and need for communication, there is a tendency to turn
sarcastic and critical.

Negative Traits

Geminis displaying the negative characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

  • prone to boredom
  • often nervous and restless
  • fickle and unreliable
  • impatient and irritable
  • impractical with money
  • gossipy and likely to tell fibs
  • quick to size people up
  • untrue to their word

More about Gemini

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