Aries Moon in Love

Aries Moon in Love

Going for the Ride

Being in a relationship with an Aries Moon means being ready to keep things fresh and new. Symbolized by the ram, an Aries Moon is the 'rebel with a cause', or causes, one of which is to throw out anything old and boring. If you are looking for predictability (is your Moon in Virgo?), then look elsewhere. Being in a relationship with an Aries Moon means agreeing to 'go for the ride',wherever it takes you, and that is often to the cutting edge of fashion and attitudes. Jackie Onassis, the fashion standard-bearer for the early 1960s generation, had her Moon in Aries.

If you want to know what's radical, creative or expressive, ask an Aries Moon like Elton John. Having a sense of adventure and a willingness to explore with your Aries playmate will keep the relationship fresh, while exceeding the pace will ensure that your Aries partner feels motivated, fulfilled and challenged.
A good partner for Aries lends a hand in directing their ener­gies productively towards a desired end and is ready to remind them when they are getting off course, or losing interest, which is easy for them. This should be done with care, though, as Aries Moons don't always take criticism easily. In fact, they can react quite strongly if they feel under threat or unjustly accused. Aries is ruled by the energetic planet Mars and has all the connotations of martial inclination. Ironically, while Aries Moons can appear full of themselves, they can be quite aware of their own foibles and shortcomings. They need to take a healthy approach to this and try not to overcompensate for their perceived failings. Helping them with this takes tact, gentle handling and a non-confrontational approach. Remind them that personal faults need to be man­aged, not magically disappeared. The paradox of the Aries Moon is that while they seem strong on the surface, they can get very tender when scrutinised too closely by others - a trait shared by the other astrological Fire signs of Leo and Sagittarius.

An Aries Moon needs a partner who is understanding, who enjoys a youthful emotional experience; someone who is not too staid or restrictive. In many cases they need help in reining in their impetuous nature, help that is tactful and that doesn't judge them or hinder their free spirit. They are loyal but sometimes fickle. They usually bring a high level of commitment and involvement early on, but may lose the intensity of feeling once the relation­ship has been established . This can leave you feeling that they have lost interest. This is not necessarily the case and it may simply be that they now feel secure enough to pursue their many interests. They can be accused of not sustaining their own level of intensity in a relationship, but if you confront them with this, it will hurt their feelings and trigger a defensive response. If this hap­pens, the best way to address the issue_ is to create new efforts that involve both of you, bringing you together for yet another adventure or discovery.

At all times in a relationship with Aries, it is a good idea to remember that they have a royal-like nature - although they ore shy to admit it. Their need for understanding and acceptance, even unqualified acceptance, is the key to their heart. Remembering that they feel deeply, passionately, even physically to the point where heartache is a physical pain, will help you make the right approach when dealing with difficult situations.

Because they are passionate, they are quick to be hurt, but with the right apology are also quick to forget, as long as the approach is sincere. An Aries Moon also has an intrinsic trust in others' capacity to forgive, and when for some reason they are disappointed in this, they are more hurt than if they had had a good argument. Dealing with those who are inclined to hold on to hurt feelings can be very difficult for them. They tend to think fully towards the future, whereas other Moon signs, such as Cancer, tend to look at the future through the lens of the past. As well as being forward-thinking, don't forget that Aries Moons are martial, and a good argument for them can just be an overture, the prelude to love-making and playful exchange. It's the ride that's important and the destination is just the intermezzo to the next departure.

Locking Horns

Aries Moons can be competitive and combative, and it is not always easy for them to restrain this. In the best case, this is part of their sportive nature. They enjoy the stimulation of meeting an obstacle or challenge head on (again the ram). At times they can get carried away in the rush of this emotional energy, which can cause misunderstandings. 'Why are you attacking me?' you may ask, to receive the somewhat surprised reply that they are not attacking you. The challenge for an Aries Moon is when and how to apply this powerful side of their character in the right measure to get the right result. An extra focus can help them achieve that - and a little reminder now and then from their patient partner. Otherwise, a thoughtless moment can erupt into hurt feelings and sharp words, especially if they are under pressure. The tendency for Aries is to have something of a temper, especially if cornered. So, a good partner will know when to leave it or when to get on the wrestling mat, lock horns and work things out with a little con­frontation. The worst slight to an Aries is to leave the arena with things unresolved, even though they may be guilty of that them­selves from time to time.

If things aren't going their way, their first reaction is to take con­trol. They are capable of toking charge and getting good results through sheer will-power . But this doesn't always work out in relationships . So life teaches them that going head-to-head is not always the most effective way of solving a problem. Their fiery, forceful nature can be disturbing, and while it is not desirable to even suggest that this be extinguished, a little forethought or self-restraint will bring more constructive and agreeable outcomes.

Aries Moons don't toke well to life thwarting their cherished aims, of course. Their natural impatience and passion lead them to expect that life will turn out results as quickly as they desire it. If this is not the case and they fail to bring order to their often frenetic, high-energy approach to life, they can, for short periods, succumb to moodiness or despondency. The best way to help them is through encouragement, to which they tend to respond quickly and well. Speaking to the angel in them will bring out the better side of their natures, soothe their feelings and give them peace of mind. Helping them regain their focus is also very useful to them, espe­cially given their tendency to get distracted and lose interest. With their abundance of energy, which can sometimes get trapped, they will find meditation, prayer or other forms of relaxation especially beneficial. They give them the chance to soften their pace and direct their energy more consciously and productively.

The most important aspect of on Aries Moon is the ideals that inspire them. Lose them, and lose much of what they are as vital souls. As all our lives move in cycles large and small, there is a need to realign and modify our ideals. In the case of an Aries Moon, this is the well-spring of their evergreen youthfulness and the power of their ability to affect and attract those around them. Their energetic personality makes them fun-loving and enjoyable to be with and as long as they are with someone who offers the right mix of challenge, acceptance, excitement and down-to-earth grounding, they can be a wonderful, giving partner.

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