Date a Sagittarius

Dating Advice and Tips for Dating a Sagittarius:

A date with a Sagittarius should never be boring. Sagittarius people are very optimistic persons, with a good disposition and a lot of enthusiasm. They like movement and this will lead them to participate in sports, to travel, or to maintain a very intense social life. The Sagittarius loves freedom and hates daily routine, loves outdoor activities, contact with nature, and adventurous situations.

People born under the sign of Sagittarius are very restless and curious. Their ruling planet is Jupiter, the planet of expansion, joy, and good fortune. To fall in love Sagittarius people need a dynamic partner who stimulates your curiosity and desire to learn. They want a companion with whom to share adventures and amusements.

Sagittarius Dating Tip:

Sagittarius people fall in love easily but they also become disenchanted or bored with the same ease, which is why they look for a strong and active person who knows how to hold their affections. Another dating advice: Don't hold back on your first date with a Sagittarius, talk about your wildest adventures and your biggest dreams. Boring conversation is a no-no when dating a Sagittarius.


If you’re dating a Sagittarius, no worries! Welcome to the straightest-talking, the most positive-thinking and the most happy-go-lucky star sign – the sign most likely to make you laugh, least likely to want to settle down and probably the biggest maverick of the Zodiac.

Does this mean Sagittarius can be a bit over-confident and unreliable at times? Well yes, if you’re looking for security and a lover who always toes the line, then you might consider this sign too high-risk. If, on the other hand, you’re up for a thrilling voyage of discovery and you’re willing to take a few chances, then dating a Sagittarian could be good for you.

As the MUTABLE FIRE sign, Sagittarius fires up its irrepressible passion for living by keeping constantly on the move. Sagittarians prefer not to stay in one place – either mentally or physically – for longer than they have to. They’re impatient, changeable, and not necessarily the steadiest of people, but they sure do put a smile on your face!

Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and good fortune, Sagittarius is renowned for its optimism. It can make you feel on top of the world with its big ideas and promises of wonderful things to come. But because Sagittarians' judgement can be faulty at times, their gambles often fail to come off, leaving others feeling let down.

Few Sagittarians would deliberately set out to mislead you though, or to be dishonest in any way. Guided by an inborn sense of honor and integrity, most of them try to live their lives according to high principles – and will expect you to do the same. There’s nothing two-faced about a typical Sagittarian: what you see is usually what you get.
Sagittarians rarely try to hide their powerful need for personal freedom, which gives them their characteristic resistance to being tied down and marked dislike of monotony and routine. When dating this star sign, it’s best to let them call most of the shots – Sagittarians quickly become irritable and restless if forced to follow someone else’s lead.

Dates with a Sagittarian should always be a mini-adventure, encompassing some kind of risk or discovery, and open-air activities – a stroll under the stars, a hike in the countryside, an outing or trip to new territory – are less likely to make them feel hemmed in. You’ll have fun with a Sagittarian chasing that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Even if you never quite find it, at least you should enjoy the ride!

Remember that there is a lot more to compatibility analysis than just comparing Sun Signs. To get an accurate picture, it’s necessary to compare both people’s full birth charts. Please write me a

 Tip for a first date with Sagittarius

These globetrotters could appreciate a world music festival or one of those “Taste of the Nations” food extravaganzas. Throw a dinner party and invite your most culturally diverse friends so they’ll see how interesting you are. The active “Sadge” could go for an exercise date, such as a day trip of sightseeing on mountain bikes. All this is training for hiking in Nepal, skiing at Beech Mountain and those many triathlons that come later

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