Full Moon in Scorpio: Horoscopes

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The Full Moon in Scorpio occurs at 13 degrees on May 3rd, 2015. Delving into the deep mysteries of the heart and feeling will be one of the key themes or investigating into what is inhibiting the expression of depth of feeling. The sign of Scorpio puts each in touch with the water element, the ebb and flow, the fertility and sensitivity. This fits since the Full moon phase symbolizes the potential for heightened emotions looking for acknowledgment and flushing out.

We may be required to recheck our facts if we have jumped to an incorrect conclusion. Encountering resistance around this Full Moon is a call to reassess our assumptions and reconsider our positions while rational Mercury is engaged in a tense opposition to realistic Saturn. We may even overreact because righteous Jupiter is also in the picture, squaring the Sun and the Full Moon. Jupiter's presence urges us to turn a minor problem into a major crisis but, thankfully, the energy will settle back down quickly in the days following the Full Moon. In the meantime, we are best served by letting go of fixed perspectives to make room for new and improved ones.

Aries Horoscope

(March 21 - April 19)

Sticking close to the facts is crucial because deviations from the truth elicit an unavoidable reality check. You can run into trouble if you don't think about the impact of your words before you speak. But you won't get away with shallow communication while the Scorpio Full Moon illuminates your 8th House of Deep Sharing. Creating intimacy in a relationship requires you to have the courage to delve into your emotions. Open your heart and meet the other person halfway.

Taurus Horoscope 

(April 20 - May 20)

You have big ideas about how much you can accomplish, only to realize you underestimated the time needed to achieve your goals. If you promise more than you can deliver, someone might confront you with his or her disappointment over your lack of productivity. It's all too tempting to just ignore the criticism with the Scorpio Full Moon's presence in your 7th House of Others. Nevertheless, actively listening without becoming overly defensive increases your chances for happiness in the long run.

Gemini Horoscope 

(May 21 - June 20)

You might not be willing to accept opinions that you consider to be unnecessarily critical when the Scorpio Full Moon lights up your 6th House of Details. However, your sharp tongue can be quite cutting if someone gets on your case. But your sarcasm could be a byproduct of your unexpressed hurt feelings. Instead of masking the truth with humor, take a risk and acknowledge your vulnerability. Being human isn't always easy, but it's the only option available at this time.

Cancer Horoscope 

(June 21 - July 22)

Conjuring up nostalgic memories of the past when relationships seemed less complicated won't help your current situation. The emotionally intense Scorpio Full Moon floods your 5th House of Romance, bending your social life out of shape. However, this warping of reality is simply a sign that change cannot be avoided any longer. Don't retreat from a conflict of values that needs to be addressed. Facing a tough issue that stands between you and someone you love can ultimately simplify the dynamics and bring harmony back into your relationship.

Leo Horoscope 

(July 23 - Aug. 22)

Rest assured that your situation is about to improve as the Scorpio Full Moon casts her light in your 4th House of Domestic Conditions. Meanwhile, your unspoken feelings are stretched like a rubber band and the tension could make you quite uncomfortable. Unfortunately, there aren't any quick fixes to the complex circumstances that are tangling up your personal life. However, it's up to you to facilitate the necessary change by making enough time with family members to talk about those things that truly matter.

Virgo Horoscope 

(Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

You are anticipating a shift in the emotional dynamics in your immediate environment, but you don't know how it will play out. But even if you decide to maintain the status quo in your daily routine, you still feel the pressure to change. The provocative Scorpio Full Moon highlights your 3rd House of Communication, inspiring you to reveal feelings that aren't easy to bring out into the open. However, sharing your heart's desires is the first step toward manifesting the improvements you so desperately seek.

Libra Horoscope

 (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)

Just because you have a tough time making up your mind sometimes, your indecision isn't necessarily a sign of weakness. In fact, you often go out of your way to be objective when choosing one path or another. However, you must announce your choice while the various alternatives are still available now. The Scorpio Full Moon enlightens your 2nd House of Core Beliefs, empowering you to hold on to a position even if you are uncertain about it. Be strong; don't compromise your values for the sake of temporary convenience. Follow your instincts and don't look back.

Scorpio Horoscope 

(Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)

You could inadvertently undermine your position or lessen your effectiveness by expressing your feelings now. A more strategic move is to carefully monitor your inner process rather than running with your gut reaction. Today's evocative Full Moon is in your sign, sensitizing you to the subtle energies in the atmosphere. However, waiting for the right moment to share what's in your heart enables you to gain power rather than lose it to a fleeting moment of passion..

Sagittarius Horoscope 

(Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Something important is ready to go down in a relationship, but you might not be able to wrap your mind around it yet. The seductive Scorpio Full Moon reflects the energy of your 12th House of Destiny while powerful unconscious forces pull you in directions that aren't yet apparent. But overreacting now won't lead to satisfaction. If plans for the future seem to be growing out of control, just roll with the waves for a few more days. Ultimately, being honest with those you love is your best path to creating positive change.

Capricorn Horoscope 

(Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)

Your intentions may be up in the air as the mysterious Scorpio Full Moon activates your 11th House of Long-Term Goals. However, it's not as if you're lost in the dark; you have likely struggled plenty to figure things out. Although you clearly understand the dynamics at play, you just don't know how to put the pieces together to make it all work. Relinquishing control doesn't mean that you have failed. In fact, releasing the reins at the right time is a true act of courage and grace. Close your eyes and let the Force be with you.

Aquarius Horoscope

 (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)

People seem to think you can do nearly anything these days, leaving you a bit worried about meeting their expectations. It isn't that you lack determination; it's just that you may feel as if you're in over your head and the pressure to get it right is overwhelming. Nevertheless, the resolute Scorpio Full Moon occupies your 10th House of Public Responsibility, so you're not willing to just walk away from it all. Don't allow your fears to work against you. Breathe deeply and give it your best shot; your true friends won't ask for anything more.

Pisces Horoscope

(Feb. 19 - March 20)

Your active imagination enables you to see things in a different light. But this paradoxical approach to reality may be a burden because it's no simple task to explain your intuitive process to anyone else. Nevertheless, the perceptive Scorpio Full Moon stimulates your 9th House of Future Vision, empowering you to influence the unfolding changes by visualizing them before they occur. Trust your inner guidance; your feelings are probably more in tune now with the big picture than you think.

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