Leo - Positive and Negative Side

The Leo Personality Expressed Positively

Leo - Negative  SideAt their very best, Leos are an intelligent, creative force wherever they operate. Their ability to

solve problems with a combination of optimism and common sense is a marvel to behold. Leos have
a rare talent for being both commanding and friendly at the same time. When Leo is happy, he makes
the whole world around him a bit sunnier.

On a Positive Note

Leos displaying the positive characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

  • attractive and demonstrative
  • positive thinking
  • dignified and charming
  • honest and loyal
  • proud of their homes
  • warm, friendly, and generous with gifts
  • courageous and bold
  • responsible and mature
  • adoring of loved ones

The Leo Personality Expressed Negatively

Leo - Positive SideWhen Leos are working on projects for others to look at, their audience's feedback becomes very

important to them. If their creations are not acknowledged or praised to the hilt, their pride will be
hurt. As a result, they might forget their usual kindhearted ways and may even try to use their power
or influence to sway the opinions of others. They may sulk if attention is not paid to them or to their

Negative Traits

Leos displaying the negative characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

  • superior in attitude
  • status conscious
  • smug and conceited
  • arrogant and self-involved
  • stubborn or willful
  • overdramatic
  • brooding and vengeful
  • judgmental about appearances
  • overeager to impress
More about Leo

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