Moon in Aquarius


Aquarius is the entire court in the zodiac cosmos. It represents
all the people, from courtesans to subjects of every grade and quality. It is everyone and everything - the body politic. The educational leaning of zodiac Air signs is fully expressed by Aquarius as the mature stage of learning - the mingling of spirit and matter, and the practical application of higher knowledge for the benefit of the citizens. It symbolizes nourishment of the body and enlightenment of the soul and is found in the Aquarius emblem of a man pouring water into a pitcher, the water being spirit and wisdom, the pot being the body and matter, and the figure variously representing man, the sage and God.
The sign of Aquarius paradoxically celebrates the humble individual as the -cynosure of the cosmic court. It suggests that governments are good to the degree that their citizens prosper - spiritually and materially. Systems, structures, rules and regulations have value when they nourish the individual and help them succeed in their personal growth, wisdom and happiness.

These lofty ideals find expression in the Aquarius Moon, giving them first and foremost a sense of the big picture and what really matters. Aquarius Moons are socially conscious, active and ener­getic - and whatever cause they adopt, they put their heart and soul into it. They get involved in issues big or small, and play an important role of building awareness of issues that affect us all.

The Idealistic Revolutionary

The Aquarian principle is a kind of social conscience that moves the focus from individual selfishness to important matters that concern us all. This often places Aquarius Moons at the cutting edge of new ideas, where they act as a catalyst for awareness, consciousness raising and sometimes a bit of radical rabble­ rousing. They are the revolutionaries of their times and tend to be forward-thinking. They are known for their visionary qualities and a mystic aura that can make them larger than life characters.
They have an intuitive understanding of what makes us all tick, and their emotional nature, tinged with its futurist qualities, makes them born leaders within the sphere of their social status and influence.
The heart is the inner force that drives us toward our destinies. With Aquarians, the power of their convictions and their concerns is heart driven, which gives them a potency to achieve big things. In fact, there are many examples of great figures whose Aquarius Moon illustrates this idea, including Dr Martin Luther King and his wife, Coretta Scott King, and the pacifist-activist, Cesar Chavez. The revolutionary qualities of Aquarius Moons manifested in the lives of Che Guevara and Huey Newton, whereas the mystical, trend-setting side of this sign and all its eccentricity is probably best illustrated in the Aquarius Moon of Dr Timothy Leary.
Aquarius represents the mass of people: what concerns us, what worries us and what inspires us. Even when they are not the person creating the trend, Aquarius Moons have a knack for knowing about trends well before they appear. It is not uncom­mon to find them working in marketing, communications or the media. They also tend to display an artistic bent and are sometimes setting their own trends with their writing or painting. Jean-Paul Sartre's writing stimulated a generational debate about existentialism, and the works of Goethe, Camus and Ginsberg forged new territories and gave voice to the concerns of their respective generations. Sometimes, an Aquarius Moon will embody the spirit of a generation in this way, or capture the essence of a mood or feeling that grips everyone at the time. There may be no better examples of this than Princess Diana and Marilyn Monroe, both Aquarius Moons who, in dying tragically, created an iconic impression of themselves in the hearts of the generation who mourned them.
While famous examples like the above are rare, the same prin­ciples and ideals manifest in the hearts of Aquarius Moons who like to be where it's happening, whether it's politics, fashion, art or social activism. This gives them the ability to relate to people. They are usually warm-hearted, friendly and able to put people at ease. They tend to make friends easily and are conduits for net­ works of people, so hopefully if you have an Aquarius partner, you enjoy having a busy social life. They are good people brokers and like to bring people together for good causes, good parties or good conversation.

The Spiritual Adventurer

They have a strong curiosity and are motivated by a desire for wisdom and understanding. They tend to be open-minded, non­ judgmental and like to be well informed. If they are passionate about a subject, expect that they will have facts and figures to back up their point of view, but don't worry, as they are quite good at giving others the space they need to express themselves. While they can be politically adept, they are often at the cutting edge of new ideas, which can put them outside the mainstream or at the fringes of real influence. They are better at drawing up strategy than glad-handing, but sometimes their natural human warmth and likeability does put them at the forefront.

Aquarius Moons are very sensitive to their environment and like to create atmospheres of comfort and congeniality. They have a natural understanding of the harmonies of nature and are able to go to the depths of the ecological argument to see that the problem lies first of all in the way people think. They are attracted to ideas like Feng-shui and other systems which seek to harmonize people with their environment. They have a strong sense of our interdependence on nature and our environment, which is an extension of their philosophical and spiritual interests. They also have a keen interest in self-development subjects, which may include poetry, art and meditation.

The mystical side of their nature gives them an intuitive grasp of how spiritual energy threads its way through the fabric of life. They find a great deal of solace in these ideas and not only actively seek to understand them, but also try as best they can to experience them in a genuine way. They are thus spiritual or humanist adven­turers, ever on a quest for wisdom and understanding. This journey takes them naturally into the exploration of new subjects. Due to their questioning nature, they tend not to adhere to run-of-the-mill attitudes and while they tend to appreciate spiritual ideas, they are not always religious in the strict or dogmatic sense of the term. This is because, in their view, religion is the outer form of an ideal that is universally true and applicable. This lets them sit at the table of any culture, feel comfortable and find the common ground that brings people together.

We find another expression of their quest in anthropology; they enjoy meeting foreigners and traveling to foreign places. In fact, the more they travel, the broader their horizons, and they learn a lot from their adventures which they are then inspired to share with others.

This touches on the teacher in them, which is quite pro­nounced and which they like to demonstrate in a practical and informal manner. As an Air sign, they like a sense of freedom and shy away from limits and constraints. Their broadmindedness tends to emphasize the need for a new, exploratory approach to learning and old school discipline seems to them a form of punish­ment and certainly not an incentive to develop and grow. They are so conscious of this that they will give others a wide berth when it comes to imposing their own standards or ideals on them, although they will vigorously argue their point of view. They are educational reformers, even if their job has nothing to do with teaching.
The never-ending quest of the Aquarius Moon keeps them moving, exploring, evaluating, collecting and accepting the diver­sity that is the fabric of life, so if you are looking for someone with more solid or fixed views then you should probably look elsewhere. To pin them down to one way of thinking or being is paramount to killing them by limiting their ability to experience the diversity of life. However, if you have an open mind, or want your mind opened, then an Aquarius Moon is just for you.

A driving force behind the Aquarian nature is the urge for transformation and regeneration through ideas. Their wide range of interests gives them an understanding of many subjects, which may include psychology, understanding people, the healing arts,creative interests; anything where the mind can find stimulation and expansion. No matter how good life is, it can never be as good as it could be, and in any case the world is so full of faults that it gives them more to do than they have time for. The essence of their karmic purpose is service through knowledge and understanding. They try to do this gradually and gently and usu­ ally have the Saturnian patience to nurture progress along. If, however, they feel that a just cause demands it and that no progress is being made, they launch their revolutionary passion to try and create change the radical way. Stubborn and unreason­ able behaviour is sure to trigger this kind of reaction with an Aquarius Moon.

If you need a champion, then think about an Aquarius Moon. There is nothing that galvanizes them into action more than the underdog or the disadvantaged. As a result, they also tend to make very good counselors and social workers, as they can give tirelessly of themselves for others' benefit.
Dreams and hopes inspire and guide them on their life journey and it's important for them to remain true to their vision. 'Never lose sight of the goal' should be their catchphrase. In any case it is rare for them to lose heart and if you do, you can count on them to help you find it.

If they lose their way, however, the Aquarius Moon can become listless and morose. In dealing with life's challenges, it is important that they take a passive attitude to obstacles - they do better to go around them rather than to hit them head-on like their neighboring Capricorn. A certain amount of detachment is a good tool for Aquarius and will help them manage life's ups and downs more effectively, he1ping them to step over problems as they make steady progress.

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