Gemini Moon in Love

Gemini Moon in Love

Loving the Quicksilver

Gemini Moons have a strong sensual nature, which can make them good lovers and partners. Sensuality, curiosity and a quick temperament can, however, cause problems if they draw the Gemini Moon into the wrong relationship. In this regard, it's important for them to curb their impetuousness and try to keep one foot on the ground - even while the rest of them is lifted by the wings of passion. If you are contemplating a relationship with a Gemini Moon and are more practically inclined, you may want to watch that your new partner doesn't get too carried away - or even carry you away by their infectious sense of wonder, discovery and light-heartedness.

The gossamer quality to their emotional fabric is a symptom of another side of their paradoxical nature and that is that they love to be emotionally in control. Although possibly not always in con­trol themselves, they expect to be able to call the shots emotion­ally without too much objection from their partner. This means that when it comes to taking decisions and making commitments in relationships, the Gemini Moon likes to, shall we say, keep their options open. They love the thrill of the pursuit and of courtship, but will feel uncomfortable if things turn 'sticky' - meaning anything from predictable to claustrophobic. This is an aspect of their quicksilver quality and desire to escape the confines of the boring, dull, mundane, petty details of life. At one end of the spectrum, this trait will manifest as a near disregard for appear­ances and even a complete disregard for social convention border­ing on the eccentric . How far each individual will go depends on many factors, but in relationships the Gemini Moon will certainly love to be in the driver's seat and will loathe backseat drivers.

How to deal with this? Delicately, patiently and ironically, with a certain amount of detachment. This may sound challenging, but for the right partner it can be stimulating, exciting and seduc­tive. And in the game of seduction, there are a few tips worth noting when in relationship with a Gemini Moon. The first is to remain flexible. Think of the wind and emulate it, or at least agree to be swayed by it sometimes, refreshed at other times and once in a while blown over. Next is to find a balance between making the Gemini Moon feel desired and wanted, unfettered and inde­pendent. Don't be surprised if this takes some time and effort, or even if the balance is never really achieved but simply part of a long courtship game of adjustment and accommodation. Remember that the two faces of Gemini symbolize the ebb and flow of ideas, creativity and, of course, changeability.

The next tip is to give them plenty of room to lead with their spontaneity - even if at times it seems impetuous. In showing an enthusiasm to participate, you will be able to take part in setting the agenda and the direction of your journey together.

And the final tip is to make them feel special. Well, OK, I know we have to do this in any relationship, but some Moon signs need more of this than others. And remember to be genuine in this, or don't do it at all. Gemini Moons are quick to pick up on anything

false and the last thing they need is to feel that you are making them feel special because they need to feel special and not because they really are!

If you are the jealous type, you could have a hard time with a Gemini Moon, if only because they are so naturally sociable. They thrive on stimulation, and thus tend to be outgoing and adapt­able. They love being socially challenged and can't help rising to any occasion, even when it stretches them, bringing them to the edge of their talents and abilities. They see this as a chance to express the thespian in them and play center stage. Of course, if you are a more staid type of person, you may well be embarrassed a the 'excesses' of your Gemini partner, so it's best if you have a fun-loving, adaptable side to your personality as well - or are at least a voyeur who enjoys seeing other people indulge in flights of fancy. Gemini Moons can be very comical, wacky and frivolous, so sit back and enjoy the ride.

Relating to a Moon in Gemini demands an understanding and acceptance of its Mercurial nature. Just as quicksilver is fluid and 'lows around obstacles, so the Gemini nature will rebel against imposition of rules and limits. I n simple terms, it wants to be free and will do whatever is needed to grasp and protect that freedom. If met wit strong limits, a Gemini Moon will respond strongly and has been known even to embrace danger or self­ destruction rather than conform to the control of others. Of course, this is a somewhat rare occurrence; the most usual expression of is will be a quiet, quicksilver solution - to act the way they want and let you try to keep up.

It does little good to remonstrate with a Gemini Moon, unless of course you want to have an argument, but that doesn't work either because Gemini is an Air sign, which symbolizes a gaseous, insubstantial quality that is difficult to pin down. Want to debate? Be ready for a tour of subjects and ideas that don't f it the sequential patterns of good argument. 'Why are you changing the subject?' you will ask, and their response is, 'That is the subject!' Even when you think you have won, if you ask them, it's you who is e loser - 'You didn't get that?' Remember, they have the cosmic prerogative in originality and this imbues most of their approach to life, even something as tedious and mundane as a good argument about who said what when.

Keeping up with the Emotional 'Genius'

In fact, the Gemini quality of changeability expressed through the Moon, in the field of emotions where rules are at best fluid, results in someone who can be very difficult to pin down. The big question is, do they change as they appear to and the answer is paradoxically both yes and no. Gemini Moons even marvel at their own ability to discover emotional conditions and feelings they did not even know existed themselves. And this can happen quicker than you can say Hermes Trismegistus or the name of any other hermetic philosopher.

Gemini Moons will of course see this as part of their emotional 'genius' and are quite able to relish the experience of their new­ found feelings - in many cases even dramatize them (which appeals to the artist in them). If you are not so quick off the mark, you will ask, 'Where did that come from?' The answer to this can be quite complicated, because it will not be the logical part of the Gemini Moon that answers but the emotional part, and you can bet they will be quite indignant that you have called into question the validity of their feelings. Of course, you are not questioning the sovereignty of their emotional territory, just their right to change the borders when it's convenient to them. Don't be surprised if they win the argument by working their way from polarities, inch by inch drawing to the centre - something like a three-dimensional chess game but maybe with fewer rules.

A good partner for a Gemini Moon therefore must have patience, a willingness to engage in regular effort, flexibility and a good measure of stability. Gemini Moons like all this because they are attracted to what they sometimes feel they don't have them­ selves - direction, a goal and a constant reference point. You will need to be simultaneously a straight shooter, a philosopher and a diplomat, which is why one of the best partners for them is the Sagittarius Moon. It's not that they will always like straight shoot­ing - in fact they will probably complain about you being too direct - but emotionally this approach gives them a pivot, a cen­tral reference point from which they can irregularly orbit in their inquisitive pursuit of the new and unknown.

Insatiable curiosity is another trait that drives them on and helps them remain the perpetual emotional youth. The urge to know, to discover and to understand how things work is emblem­atic of the Gemini Moon, especially when it comes to emotional matters. They love to explore not only their feelings, but yours as well, although they are certain to expect your feelings to be more transparent than theirs.

Talk, talk, talk ... Expect a flood of conversation when they feel comfortable with you. Until then, they may keep up their guard, with the occasional quip as a deflective defensive mechanism. Once they are at ease with you, anything goes in conversation, which they love, but you may struggle to get a word in edgewise. (Don't let them drink too much coffee.) They also have a fairly developed ability to entertain themselves, so if you catch them talking to themselves, don't worry. The absent-minded side of their personality is only them engaging in satisfying private conversation with themselves.

One way of determining how well you are doing with a Gemini Moon is whether you have been able to keep their attention. A Gemini is prone to boredom, so their degree of interest in a sub­ject (or the person they are speaking to), governs the degree of their presence in a conversation. This is one way that the Gemini naturally weeds out company that displeases or fails to challenge.

Once the relationship has been established, it is certain that you will play referee to Gemini's juggling-many-balls-at-once game. Their ability to multitask is a strength and a weakness. While they can dive into detail and resurface to a view of the bigger picture, their tendency is to spread themselves too thinly and even drive themselves to the point of exhaustion. Remind them to take some time to relax and recharge their batteries. This is especially important when they have got to the point where they mindlessly continue on their treadmill.

Another way in which you can help them is to keep them focused on their important goals. Their changeable and multi­ faceted nature can sometimes distract them. They need time to develop their strengths and their impatience can create problems such as foiling to complete a job well and cutting corners unnec­essarily in order to move on to the next object of interest . The goal is to settle down, at least to the extent that allows them to realize their potential.

When it comes to honesty in relationships, you may find them hard to pin down. Not necessarily because they ore not honest, but more likely because they feel acutely uncomfortable when cor­nered or challenged directly. They ore often direct and upfront with others, but if pressured, may foil to be transparent . In relationships with a Gemini Moon it's probably best to remember to give them the air, oxygen and space they need to feel safe - and then ask them about things rather than asking them to explain themselves .

Being in a relationship with a Gemini Moon will stimulate, inspire, entertain, sweeten, reveal, inform. It is never boring, predictable or ordinary. If you ore artistic or need a partner who con act as a muse you could do very well with a Gemini Moon. All relationships toke investment, each one a different type. A Gemini Moon gives a good return, especially if you like to ploy by similar romantic rules of the game.

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