Leo Moon in Love

Leo Moon in Love

Loving the Benevolent Despot

In close relationships, a Leo Moon is affectionate, protective, thoughtful, calm, magnanimous, valorous and persevering. In love, they are idealistic and romantic in a 'principled' kind of way.They always remember your kindnesses and are immensely loyal once they have given their heart to you.
There is something naturally paternalistic about a Leo Moon and this comes across in relationships. They are there for you, to help and guide you, even if you don't know you need their good counsel. They are proactive in their friendships and have often thought through the cause and solution of your problem even before you have had time to acknowledge that you have one. Depending on the other aspects of their character, this trait will be expressed in a wonderfully supportive or insufferably overbearing way. In most cases, it's something in between and tends to be both supportive and well received, although the delivery can be at times strong, emotional, forceful or opinionated, especially when they are somehow involved emotionally as one of the ultimate beneficiaries of the advice. The trick with a Leo Moon, as with most of the signs, is to take the good with the bad and tolerate their exuberance if not be uplifted and supported by it.

In many ways, Leo Moons are a soft touch, because they are always ready to lend a helping hand or word of advice. You can expect a good number of people to flock to them for counsel, especially because of their sense of authority and their willingness to help. Hopefully, you will like people, or not feel inconvenienced by your Leo Moon partner taking centre stage.

In essence, a Leo Moon needs to be appreciated, and despite all the posturing, emotional insecurity or self-doubt lingers behind the regal facade. Maybe the crown is heavy and they need encouragement to keep things in order. They have a strong sense of duty and are generally responsible. Any encouragement, then, is guaranteed to please, even if they are not quick to show it, as it gives them a sense that their efforts are not in vain. Again, this stems from their sense of mission and purpose. The odd kind word will keep them from abdicating.

Negotiating Emotional Treaties

There will be times, however, when you will have to define your emotional territory with a Leo Moon, almost as though you are a neighbouring monarch who wants to conclude a treaty that estab­lishes firm borders. When this happens, make sure that you con­duct yourself 'monarch to monarch', with all the deference normally afforded to powerful sovereigns . Otherwise there is a decent chance that your border dispute will escalate into a full­ blown conflict or result in a severing of diplomatic ties. There is one guiding rule when this happens and happily it's not that diffi­cult to apply: to somehow remember that a Leo Moon is well intentioned - at least consciously - and that all they want to do is be your benefactor. Of course, this can only work when you are in close relationship with someone, otherwise such an attitude would be summarily guillotined in a revolution. But if you can meet the generosity of the Leo Moon with your own good nature and give them the benefit of the doubt, then the Leo Moon will be your valued ally. At court, the custom is to offer words of praise and then to get down to business and with a Leo Moon this is not a bad approach. If you tell them that you appreciate their concern and their good intentions, but can manage your life on your own, then you will go a long way to establishing the equal partnership in which both of you can thrive. Because, in truth, a Leo Moon needs a strong counterpart.

When confronting problems, Leo Moons can be quite deter­ mined, as long as they have a sense of direction and a plan of action. Making progress is important to them and they like to feel that they are advancing towards their goals, even if it's slow going. When they put their mind to it, they can be very deter­mined, have a strong will and pride themselves on completing tasks and achieving goals. The biggest challenge to a Leo Moon is the constraints that limit their options and their ability to act. The frustrations that come from this can spark their more pas­sionate and excitable side and land them in trouble. The main solution in dealing with limits for a Leo Moon is to 'work at it' and measure steady progress. Identify where they can make a differ­ence and put their energies there. They also need to check their sometimes hot temper, otherwise it can have destructive results, especially in relationships. When it comes to dealing with others' shortcomings, Leo Moons should consciously extend their gen­erosity to them rather than become impatient.

The chivalry of the Aries Moon finds a more mature astrologi­cal expression in Leo. If Aries is the young knight, Leo is the reigning sovereign. Leo represents the next octave of astrological Fire-sign qualities and symbolically the next platform of karmic/ spiritual development in the journey of the soul to ultimate perfec­tion. Thus, while the Leo Moon has a sense of self-importance similar to the Aries Moon, in contrast it may be more 'conscious' of subtle relationship dynamics. In some ways, it tends to be more encompassing of the needs and issues of others, by consciously embracing what Aries may otherwise be content to let pass by.

At the same time, this cycle of symbolic development is not complete and hints at a part of the Leo Moon that can be un­certain in relationships, where they need reassurance. Even in long-standing relationships the Leo Moon can appear to be cautious in its dealings with its partner - even to the point where they feel a distrust or doubt about them. Even at the worst of times this is infrequent, but it can cause friction, especially as the Leo Moon is not always aware of the level_ of demands they place on their partner. To keep this in check the Leo Moon needs to consciously work on' this, and if these feelings arise, give their partner the benefit of the doubt. Life is a circle, and what you give out you tend to get back. If they can muster their natural leonine courage to validate and value their partner, then in most cases they can expect a proportionate reciprocation.

To be close to the Leo Moon is a privilege. They are strong, willful, passionate and, at times, demanding partners. The spirited nature of the Leo Moon will give you energy, yet at times tax you. Their involvement in your life can create new opportunities and freedoms. In return they expect loyalty, honesty and energy. Like any relationship of value, there will be a sense of responsibility towards the Leo Moon, but without doubt you will also have a sense of privilege in being with a caring, romantic and affable partner. It's a court appointment that stimulates, philosophizes and shines brightly - so remember to bring your sunglasses .

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