Libra Moon in Love

Libra Moon in Love

The Easy-Going Idler

Libra Moons are mostly considerate and benevolent, but don't be surprised if they don't know how popular they really are. The periodic self-doubt mentioned above can sometimes limit their sense of importance in the greater scheme of things.
In fact, they often play a pivotal role - if you doubt it, just ask those around them - and enjoy extending a helping hand to others, even those who have not been kind or respectful to them in the past. While this is a laudable trait, they need to strike a balance, however, as they are often taken for granted. Their ability to empathize gives them a soft heart, but in tending to others' interests, they can forget their own basic needs.

The Libra Moon has a ten­dency to live through those around them, including their close relationships, where their own sense of value comes from the feedback and validation they get from their partners. The Libra Moon has to be conscious of this and work wilfully to avoid it happening.

It's not uncommon, however, to see the Libra Moon's indeci­sion, subordination of self-interest or generally easy-going nature result in a lack of motivation and ambition. All the pondering over which goal to go for may just result in the decision that it's easier to remain idle, just where they are now, going with the flow and drifting to that sometime day when a decision will be made, prob­ably for them. This is a real pity and represents a great limit to the Libra Moon. It is a trait they will need to consciously work against. Their lethargy also leaves them open to be influenced by the needs and interests of other people, especially given their ten­dency to put others first.

To counter this, it is a good idea if Libra Moons spend some time planning their life direction. Of course, their reluctance to commit to the wrong path may keep them from chalking out a plan, but once they have a clear sense of direction they can bring out the best in themselves. The trick will be to have one, even if it's temporary or short term. The effort of making a plan will give them greater focus, even though they will want to review things from time to time as circumstances change.

Reassuring the Shy Romantic

When it comes to relationships, the Libra Moon is a natural. In friendship, they are loyal and helpful and you can count yourself fortunate to have them as a friend. In relationships, they are romantic, sensitive and generous and can often surprise their partner with thoughtful gestures, gifts and acts of love. They live for love, and expect or hope to be with their partner much of the time. They value togetherness in purpose, spirit and body. They have a poetic sense of love and often keep some kind of journal which chronicles their secret feelings . In all their relationships they are inspired by a sense of balance and like to give as good as they get. When the limits of life fail to match their romantic ideals, they are prone to melancholy.

In intimate dealings you will need to be proactive with a Libra Moon, maybe more than usual. They are quite good at reading the tenor of a relationship, although their self-doubt can cause them to fear for its safety. This can make them not jealous, but suspicious, something which they do not usually express directly. It will be important for you to read between the lines and reassure them as best you can.

The best way to capture the heart of a Libra Moon is to offer like-for-like in affections and generosity. Making them your focus and reaffirming their better qualities wins them over, as long as it's done genuinely, with a bit of humour and the right amount of charm. They are sensual by nature, quite tactile and like the warmth of a close embrace. Romantic settings are more thrilling for them than they will easily admit and if you want to make a good impression, then flowers and small gestures will be invaluable.

The inhibited, reluctant side to the Libra personality is reas­sured by open expressions of love and affection. They may tend to discount the importance of expressing their own feelings, ironi­cally out of a misplaced deference for your feelings and maybe also out of concern that their tender advances will not be well received. They do tend to be shy when it comes to romance, but when they have established a close bond they are more confident and demonstrative .

These qualities, then, beg an open, demonstrative lover, someone who is willing to take the risk of expressing their love. A good example of this is the active, vigorous, adventurous, expressive and passionate Aries Moon. The Libra Moon finds an Aries Moon a good partner and is able to give Aries the kind of acceptance it desires, while being fed by Aries' love of fun and upbeat nature. Other suitable signs for the Libra Moon include Capricorn and Sagittarius.

Libra Moons make loyal, long-lasting partners. They don't give up easily and are not usually the one to break off a relationship. Getting the balance right with a Libra Moon means a loving exchange with a gentle partner.

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