Mercury Retrograde Dates

Mercury Retrograde Dates

Mercury Retrograde Dates 2015, 2016 & something of 2017

 Mercury Retrograde 2015

In 2015, Mercury retrogrades three times, all in air signs of Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. Our mental capabilities have to quick and spontaneous in order to jump into action. Events in the outside world will be at a very fast pace, so we have to be quick thinking, flexible, and adaptable to grab the opportunities for success this year through harnessing the creative, inventive abilities that reside within our higher mind. We have to revv up our creative connectivity and expand possibilities to think of options, opportunities and to think beyond the status quo box. The inner strength, confidence and intuitive abilities grown during 2014 will begin to be visible as inventions, innovations and creative technologies come into our mind as new concepts and possibilities emerge. 2015 is an EIGHT universal year, requiring that we bring our mental abilities together with our pro-active-oriented, fused together to expand into exciting, fast-paced world of success. Being bold and armed with unique ideas it is time to be resourceful, innovative and inventive. These areas will transitions us into new and different careers, businesses, and technologies that will make remarkable inventions that will transform our world. (Alpha Life Trends)

  • Mercury turns retrograde January 22nd at 17 Aquarius
  • Mercury turns direct on February 12th at 1 Aquarius
  • Mercury turns retrograde May 18th at 13 Gemini
  • Mercury turns direct on June 12th at 4 Gemini
  • Mercury turns retrograde September 15th at 15 Libra
  • Mercury turns direct on October 10th at 0 Libra

Mercury Retrograde Dates

2015 Mercury Retrograde in Gemini

The second Mercury Retrograde of 2015 occurs in Gemini (13o 9") on May 19 at 1:49 am Universal time, and on May 18 at 8:49 pm Eastern time and May 18 at 5:49 pm Pacific time.

Mercury goes direct in Gemini (4o 34 minutes of arc) on June 11 at 10:33 pm Universal time, 5:33 pm Eastern time and 2:33 pm Pacific time.

Mercury enters the Pre-Shadow on May 4 and is last in the Post-Shadow on June 26 in North America and June 27 Universal time.

Since Mercury rules Gemini, this retrograde cycle may prove interesting.

2015 Mercury Retrograde in Libra

The third Mercury Retrograde Cycle of 2015 occurs in Libra (15o 55") on September 17 at 6:09 pm Universal time,1:09 pm Eastern time and 10:09 am Pacific Time

Mercury goes direct in Libra (0o 54") on October 9 at 2:57 pm Greenwich or Universal time, and 9:57 am Eastern time, 6:57 am Pacific Time.

Mercury enters the Pre-Shadow August 28 and is last in the Post-Shadow on October 24

2016 Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

The beginning of the next Mercury Retrograde cycle shows up in the second half of December of 2015. Mercury goes retrograde in Aquarius (1o 3") on January 5 of 2016 at 1:05 pm Universal time 8:05 am Eastern Time and 5:05 am Pacific Time.

Mercury enters the Pre-Shadow on December 19 of 2015

Please note that all times are approximate. The actual times are defined by the observer location and vary due to parallax.

Mercury Retrograde 2016

In 2016, Mercury retrogrades four times, all impacting earth signs of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo and then Capricorn again as the fourth retrograde begins in 2016. Practical and material elements change impacting career, finances and physical environment and well-being. These aspects will be changing as 2016 is universally a NINE year. This represents the end of this nine-year cycle that began in 2008 and has now reach completion. Similar to a Broadway Play, our stage lights begin to dim on the issues that were prominent for this nine-year cycle and the themes reach completion and closure. The people, places and things begin to change and transition us into our new environment preparing us for our next nine-year cycle. The power of transformation is to see that all that has transpired in our lives during this nine-year cycle has brought us to the end of our Spiritual Play for this theme and growth. Now we can take the gift within each of the situations and circumstances and see and appreciate the gifts given to us. As Mercury brings information into our life that transitions each of the core areas, we can begin to transform our life to move into our new directions.(Alpha Life Trends)

  • Mercury turns retrograde January 6th at 1 Aquarius
  • Mercury turns direct on January 26th at 15 Capricorn
  • Mercury turns retrograde April 29th at 24 Taurus
  • Mercury turns direct on May 23rd at 14 Taurus
  • Mercury turns retrograde August 31st at 29 Virgo
  • Mercury turns direct on September 23rd at 15 Virgo
  • Mercury turns retrograde December 20th at 15 Capricorn
  • Mercury turns direct on January 9th at 28 Sagittarius

Mercury Retrograde for 2017

In 2017, Mercury retrogrades three times, beginning with the first as a new nine-year cycle is put into motion. Similar to a Broadway Play, our stage lights shine on the prominent elements and events that capture the themes for this nine-year cycle and the themesthat will continue to unfold for the next nine-years.. The people, places and things begin to change and transition us into our new environment preparing us for this important nine-year cycle. The power of inner peace is to bring forward new visions and to see the Spiritual Play for this theme and growth. Now we can take the gift within each of the situations and circumstances and see and appreciate the gifts given to us and expand into new directions. As Mercury brings information into our life that transitions each of the core areas, we can begin to transform our life to move into our new directions.

  • Mercury turns retrograde January 14 at xx
  • Mercury turns direct on February 6th at xx
  • Mercury turns retrograde xxx
  • Mercury turns direct on xxx
  • Mercury turns retrograde xx
  • Mercury turns direct on Jxx

Here is why that motion is called "Retrograde"

All about Mercury!

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