Scorpio Moon in Love

Scorpio Moon in Love

Beguiling the Secret Lover

It takes time to get to know a Scorpio Moon, so be patient, espe­cially if they are quiet or withdrawn. At first they are likely to inter­act with you with small, often imperceptible and seemingly inconsequential comments, gestures and sideways glances.
These actions are a kind of radar that helps the Scorpio Moon assess your reaction, nature and character, while you remain unaware of it. Needless to say, the Moon is very aware and you may notice that behind the reserved fac;ade, there is a lot going on, which earns the Scorpio Moon the reputation for being intense and mysterious.

In time, they will open up and you can get to know them better. If you express your appreciation of secrets and good discretion, it is likely that they will feel more comfortable with you, but they will certainly ask you to talk about yourself first. When they do voice their opinions, you can expect them to be frank and a touch diplo­ matic. You may have to read between the lines, as they can be subtle in their expression, at times appearing to talk in riddles and double meanings. If you are shy or insecure, this can leave you feeling uncertain about where you stand.

In simple terms, the Scorpio Moon likes privacy and secrets. They are not boisterous and are unlikely to be demonstrative. They are more demure and refined in their dealings. A paradox of the Scorpio nature is their ability to swing to extremes, sometimes showing intense interest in someone or something, and then in the next moment nonchalantly waling away, detached as always. The intrinsic quality of reformation and regeneration expressed in their character means that you will see some degree of the anarchy that often precedes creativity.

In fact, they are accustomed to holding their views and feel­ings close to their chest and tend to scrutinize new ideas carefully before accepting them as their own. Their thirst for knowledge doesn't mean they are easy to convince or persuade. Bringing a Scorpio Moon round to your way of thinking takes time and patience. Don't expect quick results. It's best if you are just as happy if they don't ultimately agree with you, because otherwise you could be disappointed. The Scorpio Moon certainly doesn't like to be pressured, and the best way to gain their agreement is to tenderly cajole them and give them lots of space and respect.

When confronted or dominated, there is a contrariness to the Scorpio Moon which should not be underestimated. There is no force on Earth that will easily get a Scorpio Moon to your side of the fence and if coerced, the fundamental Scorpio urge for free­dom will take control. If anyone ·is going to be in control, it's the Scorpio Moon. This often creates misunderstanding and distrust in their relationships. Taken at face value some people think that the Scorpio Moon simply wants to override others. For the most part, this is not the case. The Moan is highly sensitive in the sign of Scorpio, giving feelings of vulnerability, heightened awareness, preoccupations and fears, both real and imagined. Scorpio Moons thus desire respect in all their dealings, and ideally preferential treatment - which helps assure them that the relationship is a safe and stable one for them. While this principle can vary widely according ta other factors in a person's chart, it will certainly constitute a large and important part of their character.

The symbol of the secret lover is appropriate here, because the Scorpio Moan will, like a secret lover, expect attention, care and understanding, all in a way that is not so obvious as ta draw others' attention. Scorpio Moons tend to be painfully self­ conscious and while they are good at hiding it, it can nevertheless affect their confidence. The last thing they want is to draw atten­tion to their delicate feelings, or any special treatment that you offer, and you will earn their respect and gratitude if you are able to handle emotional or romantic matters with care and discretion.

Do not make the mistake of airing private matters publicly, because this can hurt them beyond words, or forgiveness . They tend to feel things deeply and can carry hurts with them for a very long time. They will let you know it by hurting you back, letting fly with a cutting remark that really stings - another reason why the ancients chose the symbol of a scorpion for this part of the zodiac. The suddenness of their expression is most likely due to their failure to express themselves and their tendency to keep things in long after you hove forgotten them. There is also a com­pulsive side to their nature, which means that their salvos are not always intentional, but are instinctual, especially when they are hurt in some way. If this catches you by surprise, rather than respond straightaway, give a moment's thought to what you have done, consciously or unconsciously, to cause pain, then do your best to heal the wound with a little attention and the salve of affection.

The range of emotional expression is very broad with a Scorpio Moon; even after you have known them for some time you can expect surprises now and then. While anger is not uncommon at difficult moments, the most likely Scorpio expression is a silent, painful brooding which can be very difficult to tolerate, especially if you are also very sensitive. They are usually aware that this and their sharp tongues can land them into hot water, and so they have to work consciously to avoid taking things to the extreme. Getting the right balance of self-expression and restraint is impor­tant for the Scorpio Moon and something that they usually perfect as they get older.

Transforming Love

Transformation is an important part of the Scorpio life mission, which manifests as a tendency to tear down, in order to build up again. This phoenix-like urge applies pre-eminently to emotional matters where periodically the Scorpio man will want to redefine the relationship, discover new meanings and challenge existing emotional patterns. A typical expression of this will be the need for the two of you to redefine your love and attachment for each other, sometimes by playing one of those bittersweet dramas where you separate only to reunite in greater mutual intensity. Depending on your own nature, this can be something of an emotional roller-coaster ride, but if it's excitement, striving for freshness and relevance, and emotional adventure that you crave, then the Moon in Scorpio is for you.

Scorpio Moon is strongly intuitive and often psychic, which like all qualities has its good and bad side. On the good side you can expect them to pick up on how you are feeling and what may be bothering you. They can be proactive and helpful with this, espe­cially when it comes to getting you to talk about repressed feelings or thoughts that need expressing. It's also not uncommon for them to have premonitions, insights and dreams of the future. This is very handy, but some people are not comfortable with know­ing things in advance - unless they are stockbrokers. You'll be fine if you are comfortable with a partner who can read at least your feelings and maybe something of your mind, and has a pretty good idea of what's going on. The downside of this trait is sometimes a tendency to be suspicious and to think that what they feel is what is really happening. If they become sceptical or even jealous, the Scorpio Moon can take some convincing that all is well.

For a loved one, however, the Scorpio Moon can be long­ suffering and in some cases this helps to fulfil a kind of yearning for the experience of profound romantic self-sacrifice. The Scorpio Moon is capable of a deep and intense quality of love. When they love you, they throw their whole being into relating with you. Their amorous embrace has a binding, seductive nature that envelops your being. You too will be expected to give of yourself, to offer maybe more than you might with a less demanding love. For some, this is highly captivating and for others, slightly unnerving. Scorpio Moons also have their own subtle and sometimes diffi­cult to understand emotional language: deep, intense, yearning, but changeable and sensitive. In a moment it is possible for you to unconsciously say or do something that rubs them the wrong way, and it may take some time and effort before you understand the cause of their mood change. In truth, it is not possible to change this tendency in a Scorpio Moon and the best way to deal with it is to accept it, enjoy it and sometimes just watch it in wonder. The Scorpio Moon deserves the stability and earthiness of a Moon sign like Taurus, who can act as a steadying influence and may not be reactive to the ebb and flow of the Scorpio Water sign.

The heart language of Scorpio first and foremost wants to be understood, but not revealed. They want their feelings to be per­ceived, but not exposed. They want to be respected, and yet not be taken too seriously. They want to be serious and deep, but don't want to dwell on feelings or have you look too closely at what goes on inside them. In a sense, they want you to see them deeply but not directly. To do this you will have to look at them, emotionally speaking, with a sidelong glance that tells them you understand them, without revealing how much you understand. When you can do this, you will have their heart and their abiding affection, because you have pierced the mystery of their being and understood the sensitivity and simplicity of their love - however complicated it seems on the surface.

Being a partner to a Scorpio Moon means travelling with them on their journey of personal evolution - a journey of their soul. The karmic theme of this journey is the transformation of latent poten­ tial into higher-minded achievement. It is certain that this is an exciting, unpredictable, demanding, but rewarding journey - and if you choose to take it with them you can expect an uncommon depth of love and life experience.

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