Fonts for Zodiac Signs

These are the fonts that describe your Zodiac Sign:


Fonts for Zodiac Signs

Aries energetic
Aries, you don’t waste any goddamn time. You are going to say things in scribbly all-caps, because why the fuck not? It would be almost dangerous for anyone to try to tell you not to. Write your poorly-thought-out manifestos in Rock Salt.  
Taurus stable

Taurus, Yeseva One is just for you, like a warm homemade chocolate chip cookie. It’s the right font for the menu of your waffle diner, which only serves whole-grain toast (with extra butter).
Gemini friendly
When you go out to bars, and guys flock to you, which they do because you are so magnetic, and you give them your number, which you do because you are so outgoing, you write your name in a style that resembles The Girl Next Door very strongly.
Cancer emotional
You’d be an excellent camp counsellor. Teary preteens who miss their moms and aren’t sure they’re making friends effectively would come to you for reassurance (and ask you about your long-distance boyfriend, to whom you were in the process of writing a passionate letter in Mrs Saint Delafiend).
Leo proud
You know, you’re a pretty dynamic person. I bet you put your name on the top of your résumé in a font like Lobster. Will you get the job? I don’t know, but I hope you do. If you don’t, I hope you didn’t really want it anyway.
Virgo efficient
Oswald is everything that Virgos are — clean, unobtrusive, straightforward.
Libra sociable
You definitely read the New Yorker. This might actually be one of your defining features. As such, Marcellus SC should definitely be your signature typeface.
Scorpio intense
I imagine you sitting at your desk in a room with one lamp, typing at a typewriter (in Special Elite). Are you typing a scathing review of some op-ed you saw in the school newspaper? Are you writing down state secrets so that, when you’re assassinated, there will be a physical record? Would it be better not to do that?
Saggitarius gregarious
The capital G in this typeface makes me think you’re having a good time in life. You write notes to your best friends (you have many, and you’re actually pretty close with all of them) in colorful pens. They call it Seaweed Script, but I’d rather call it Sagittarius.
Capricorn responsible
Glegoo should be used on hospital documents. It seems to say “everything will be okay.” You’re an excellent combination of reliable and personable, and so is this typeface. Maybe you should also consider employment at a hospital.
Aquarius unconventional
Your favorite band is something I’ve never heard of, but it will be my favorite band in three years. You don’t give a shit, because you will have moved on to something even newer and cooler by then. Your handwriting doesn’t actually look anything like Kranky, because drawing all those little lines would take way too long.
Pisces imaginativeMiniver is the typeface for you, Pisces. You choose it when you want whatever boring thing you’re typing to feel more gemütlich. Those kinds of things are important to you sometimes, right? Perhaps.

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