Air Zodiac Birthstones and Jewelery



Check out the INTRO for the Elements Zodiac Birthstones and Jewelery, Part I

Gemini Jewelry


  • Planet: Mercury
  • Astrological birthstones: Agate, - Chrysoprase, Citrine, Moonstone, Pearl, and White Sapphire
  • Months: End of May, and beginning of June
  • Month birthstones: May: Emerald June: Pearl, Moonstone
  • Metal: Mercury
  • Best settings: Uranium metals- aluminum, Titanium and their alloys Platinum and gold alloys containing cadmium and zinc
The May birthstones are Emerald and Chrysoprase.  
June birthstones are Pearl and Moonstone.

Gemini Birthstone by day of birth
 (Best if Daily, Monthly and Zodiacal Gemstone combined together!)

May, 22 - coral 
May, 23 - chrysoprase 
May, 24 - serpentine 
May, 25 - serpentine 
May, 26 - lapis lazuli 
May, 27 - amethyst 
May, 28 - turquoise 
May, 29 - beryls 
May, 30 - rhinestone 
May, 31 - citrine
June, 1 - cat’s eye 
June, 2 - obsidian 
June, 3 - obsidian 
June, 4 - malachite 
June, 5 - moonstone 
June, 6 - gagate 
June, 7 - tiger eye 
June, 8 - beryls 
June, 9 - amber 
June, 10 - chrysoberyl 
June, 11 - sardonyx
June, 12 - aventurine 
June, 13 - rhodonite 
June, 14 - chrysolite 
June, 15 - bloodstone (heliotrope) 
June, 16 - sardonyx 
June, 17 - agate 
June, 18 - agate 
June, 19 - beryls 
June, 20 - hessonit 
June, 21 - sapphire 
June, 22 - aquamarine

The Gemini Birthstone - the Pearl

The birthstone for Gemini is the pearl. The Zodiac sign of Gemini also responds to Agate, Emerald Alexandrite, Agate and the Ruby. The tradition of giving gifts of jewelry containing these stones dates back thousands of years. The gemstone, or birthstone Pearl is believed to conduct the energies of the planet Mercury with which it is sympathetic and that wearing jewelry containing the gemstone will focus the energies of the planet and sign through the gem.

Properties of the Pearl - the Gemini Birthstone
The properties with which the Pearl, the birthstone of the Zodiac sign of Gemini, is associated are as follows:
  • Loyalty, faithfulness and friendship
  • Modesty, chastity and purity
The Pearl is also used to enhance personal integrity

Healing Properties of the Pearl
The healing properties of the Gemini birthstone are reputed to be effective for health problems relating to:
  • Heart, spleen, stomach
  • Intestine & ulcer problems
What it can do for you

While not technically a stone, Pearl is included as one of the 12 birthstones. It symbolizes innocence, purity and stability. Pear is often called the Stone of Innocence and the Stone of Sincerity. It helps one to focus on goals, purpose and manifesting. Many people born in June are rambunctious, fun and great conversationalists. They tend to have so many ideas and plans that they have a hard time getting anything done. But wearing Pearl helps them to concentrate and focus on all their ambitious dreams and goals.

Gemini Birthstone and Jewelry Gifts
Birthstone jewelry as a gift for a person born under the sign of Gemini especially of the gemstone, or birthstone Pearl is extremely popular for a child, a baby, a wife, a mother or a new grandmother. All different types of jewelry are available including rings, bracelets, pendants, earrings and necklaces.
Buy Stones for Gemini or Gemini Jewelery , or Handmade Gemini Stuff 

Not recommended gemstones for zodiac sign Gemini :
The Gemini Jewellery Style
Remember that Gemini rules the fingers and thumbs – animated and dextrous the best jewellery for your buddies ‘the Twins’ will be light, silvery jewellery that decorates their animated limbs and hands! Forget big bangles or heavy duty pieces, this zodiac sign needs sparkle, birds and butterfly charms!


  • Planet: Venus
  • Astrological birthstones: Opal, Chrysolite (Peridot), Lapis Lazuli,
  • Months: End of September and beginning of October
  • Month birthstones: September: Sapphire October: Opal, Tourmaline
  • Metal: Copper
  • Best setting: Copper
The September birthstone is Sapphire.  
October birthstones are Opal and Pink Tourmaline.

Libra Birthstone by day of birth
 (Best if Daily, Monthly and Zodiacal Gemstone combined together!)

September, 21 - chrysoprase 
September, 22 - coral 
September, 23 - jade 
September, 24 - malachite 
September, 25 - hematite 
September, 26 - aventurine 
September, 27 - citrine 
September, 28 - beryls 
September, 29 - chrysolite 
September, 30 - opal
October, 1 - jadeite 
October, 2 - cat’s eye 
October, 3 - topaz 
October, 4 - diamond 
October, 5 - jade 
October, 6 - hessonit 
October, 7 - agate 
October, 8 - carnelian 
October, 9 - topaz 
October, 10 - cat’s eye 
October, 11 - spinel
October, 12 - amazonite 
October, 13 - chrysoberyl 
October, 14 - almandine 
October, 15 - rhodonite 
October, 16 - rhinestone 
October, 17 - zircon 
October, 18 - diamond 
October, 19 - amethyst 
October, 20 - lapis lazuli 
October, 21 - charoite 
October, 22 - diamond

The Libra Birthstone - the Opal

The birthstone for Libra is the Opal. The Zodiac sign of Libra also responds to Peridot, Agate Aquamarine, Tourmaline and Sapphire. The tradition of giving gifts of jewelry containing these stones dates back thousands of years. The gemstone, or birthstone Opal is believed to conduct the energies of the planet Venus with which it is sympathetic and that wearing jewelry containing the gemstone will focus the energies of the planet and sign through the gem.

Properties of the Opal - the Libra Birthstone
The properties with which the Opal, the birthstone of the Zodiac sign of Libra, is associated are as follows:
  • Hope, innocence and purity
  • Happiness, faithfulness, loyalty and confidence
Healing Properties of the Opal
The healing properties of the Libra birthstone are reputed to be effective for health problems relating to:
  • Eyes and eye infections
  • To enhance the healing process
Opal is an emotional stone and reflects the mood of the wearer. It intensifies emotions and releases inhibitions. Encourages both freedom and independence. Opal enhances cosmic consciousness and induces psychic and mystical visions. It stimulates originality and creativity. Helps to release anger and claim self-worth, aiding in accessing and expressing one’s true self. Opal strengthens memory. It encourages an interest in the arts. Wearing Opal brings loyalty, faithfulness and spontaneity.

Opal strengthens the will to live and treats infections and fevers. Purifying the blood and kidneys, Opal also regulates insulin. It eases childbirth and alleviates PMS.

What Opal can do for you
 Opal has many names - as but Galaxy Opal and The Stone of Inspiration suit it the best. As I said Opal enhances the emotions of the wearer. It increases psychic ability and encourages positive dreams and visions. Wearing Opal gently releases self-criticism while increasing self –confidence. Opal encourages faith and loyalty in relationships. People born in October are known as the peacemakers. They need balance and fairness in their life. Born with the gift of gab, October personalities make friends wherever they go. Wearing Opal helps October birthdays to have more courage and independence of thought.

Libra Birthstone and Jewelry Gifts
Birthstone jewelry as a gift for a person born under the sign of Libra especially of the gemstone, or birthstone Opal is extremely popular for a child, a baby, a wife, a mother or a new grandmother. All different types of jewelry are available including rings, bracelets, pendants, earrings and necklaces.
  Buy Stones for Libra or Libra Jewelery, Handmade Libra Stuff

Not recommended gemstones for zodiac sign Libra:
The Libra Jewellery Style 
If you’re buying jewellery for Scorpio be understated. This zodiac sign is super private, and won’t want to show off their Star Sign Style to the world too easily. Scorpio’s jewelry style is subtle but multi-faceted, lots of hidden detail, messages and meaning within…


  • Planet: Uranus
  • Astrological birthstones: Amethyst, Garnet, Moss Agate, Opal, and Sugilite
  • Months: End of January and beginning of February
  • Month birthstones: January: Garnet February: Amethyst
  • Metal: Uranium
  • Best setting: Uranium metals- aluminum, titanium, and their alloys, platinum, and gold alloys containing cadmium and zinc
The January birthstone is Garnet.  
The February birthstone is Amethyst.

Aquarius Birthstone by day of birth
 (Best if Daily, Monthly and Zodiacal Gemstone combined together!)
January, 22 - citrine 
January, 23 - amazonite 
January, 24 - lapis lazuli 
January, 25 - agate 
January, 26 - jade 
January, 27 - rhinestone 
January, 28 - zircon 
January, 29 - sapphire 
January, 30 - amethyst 
January, 31 - chrysoprase
February, 1 февраля - moonstone 
February, 2 - turquoise 
February, 3 - turquoise 
February, 4 - beryls 
February, 5 - sardonyx 
February, 6 - sapphire 
February, 7 - agate 
February, 8 - malachite 
February, 9 - amber 
February, 10 - tiger eye 
February, 11 - bloodstone (heliotrope)
February, 12 - sardonyx 
February, 13 - cat’s eye 
February, 14 - chrysoberyl 
February, 15 - aventurine 
February, 16 - opal 
February, 17 - sapphire 
February, 18 - obsidian 
February, 19 - aventurine 
February, 20 - coral 
February, 21 - sapphire 
February, 22 - amber

The Aquarius Birthstone - the Amethyst

The birthstone for Aquarius is the Amethyst. The Zodiac sign of Aquarius also responds to Garnet and Jasper. The tradition of giving gifts of jewelry containing these stones dates back thousands of years. The gemstone, or birthstone Amethyst is believed to conduct the energies of the planet Uranus with which it is sympathetic and that wearing jewelry containing the gemstone will focus the energies of the planet and sign through the gem.

Properties of the Amethyst - the Aquarius Birthstone
The properties with which the Amethyst, the birthstone of the Zodiac sign of Aquarius, is associated are as follows:
  • Stability, peace, balance, courage, inner strength
  • Sincerity and a calm disposition
Healing Properties of the Amethyst
The healing properties of the Aquarius birthstone are reputed to be effective for health problems relating to:
  • Withdrawal symptoms of any sort of addiction - referred to as the the "sobriety stone" as it was believed to prevent drunkenness and used to treat alcoholism and other types of addictions.
  • Headaches, insomnia, arthritis, pain relief, circulatory system issues and general healing

What it can do for you

Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to provide calm, balance, patience, and peace.
Amethyst is used as beneficial when dealing with legal problems and money issues, which can lead to prosperity and abundance, though it is not the best known prosperity stone.
In the psychic and spiritual realms, amethyst is an excellent all-purpose stone that can increase spirituality and enhance intuition and psychic powers of all kinds. It does this by making a clear connection between the earth plane and other planes and worlds. Amethyst is also excellent for meditation and lucid dreaming. It is used to open one's channels to telepathy, past life regression, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and communication with angels. Amethyst also protects against psychic attacks, especially during spiritual work.
Amethyst is not only a psychic protection stone, but is also used to protect one from thieves, and to protects travelers.
Emotionally, amethyst is used in crystal healing to help heal personal losses and grief, bringing one gently past. Amethyst has a gently sedative energy that ca promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. It also is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength. This stability and strength not only helps one hold firm in one's life, but it can enhance flexibility and cooperation. To be flexible at need is a sure sign of strength.
Amethyst is very well known -- as from the ancients -- as a Sobriety Stone. It has been used for millenia to prevent drunkenness, and is used to assist in getting rid of addictions to alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc, and destructive compulsive behaviors of all kinds.

Aquarius Birthstone and Jewelry Gifts
Birthstone jewelry as a gift for a person born under the sign of Aquarius especially of the gemstone, or birthstone Amethyst is extremely popular for a child, a baby, a wife, a mother or a new grandmother. All different types of jewelry are available including rings, bracelets, pendants, earrings and necklaces.
  Buy Stones for Aquarius or Aquarius Jewelry, Aquarius Handmade Stuff

Aquarius Problems:
All the thoughts of Aquarius are concentrated in one subject which they are most interested in. And when it is time to make a decision, they generate it from thoughts which are currently in their head. As a result, answers to various questions are generally the same, and Aquarius is not very concerned how well the responds agree with a particular situation.
Isolation from society is very undesirable for Aquarius. In fact, it is even dangerous, because it drastically limits the amount of available energy and leads to a significant weakening of the health. But excessive contacts with people can also be harmful. Talisman made from obsidian absorbs bad intentions, so Aquarius can use it as an amulet, which helps him to understand his weak spots.
Pure Aquarians are rigid, and can't freely discuss the first available issue. But those issues which are interesting to them usually incomprehensible by others. Faced once or twice with a misunderstanding, Aquarius may isolate itself from the society, and then - read the beginning of the current paragraph. For Aquarius, like for no one else, it is of high importance to take care of their friends. Present Aquarius with aquamarine, an amulet of sailors and naval mascot, a stone of friendship, justice and courage.

The Aquarius Jewellery Style 
What’s the jewellery best befitting the Water Bearer? Unusual pieces are worn well by Miss Aqua, especial headgear… If you’re buying something for this zodiac sign you could score points with a humanitarian edge – think eco-friendly, ethical – even recycled! And there’s always the peace sign…
 (Help with Gems I've got from: Beliefnet, Jewelry Gems About, Birthday Gems and Star Sign Syle plus iin this article Crystals and Jewelry)

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