Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Taurus

The Favourite Son

Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Taurus

You have a nice blend of the emotional and intellectual natures – an efficient mind, purposeful, reasonable, and logical.
You have all the qualities necessary to be a good executive except the desire to be one. You are impelled to personal development rather than to those pursuits that lead to public acclaim. You are devoid of the domineering or missionary spirit, willing to “live and let live.” This gives you a certain detachment that may be interpreted as snobbishness. You estimate people, not according to their wealth and position, but according to whether or not they interest you. If they don’t interest you, you simply don’t bother with them.

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You are romantic, but with romanticism you combine a deep sense of loyalty and dependability. Loyalty holds you in check where conventions would not, for with respect to the conventions you are theoretically scornful, though in actual practice you rarely do anything to violate them.

You are a lover of peace and harmony and will use all your tact and graciousness to avoid a quarrel. You are able in your private life to achieve peace with honor – that is, in your quiet way, you pretty generally get what you want and make the other fellow like it. In early youth this amounts to stubbornness, but with maturity it develops into fixity of purpose. You are willing to wait for results, and you know the futility of forcing issues.

Socially, you are gracious and sympathetic, but you don’t go out of your way for people. Your friends seek you. You are interested in the arts.

You are likely to be associated with artistic people, however, and to be in some way connected with art professionally, perhaps on the executive or directing side of institutions and the like, where your executive ability finds a congenial outlet.

You are a total individualist who sets broad, sweeping goals for yourself. People will follow you anywhere because you are a born leader. You are quite happy to lead them. An Aquarius-Taurus often feels a marked sense of duty to humanity. Some members of this combination include Adlai Stevenson and Ronald Reagan. 

Your conniving plans are sometimes ostentatious and some of them are just plain laughable. You can be a hard nosed and fearsome opponent when challenged and you are very confident. In your combination, transcendent, idealistic, and caring Aquarius is balanced by sensible, emotionally stable, and secure Taurus. 

You are somewhat too charming for your own good. Your romanticism and lofty perspective
are tempered by astuteness and pragmatism. 

Your mind is keyed to the theoretical and you enjoy thinking and acting on a grand scale. You are aware of your worth. You are obstinate and will never compromise your ideals, but your beliefs and convictions may change periodically. You are not impulsive like other Aquarians. Before starting
on a course of action, you prefer to plan and deliberate, but sometimes you consult the fortunetellers. 

Your self-importance and stubbornness can essentially take you over and cause arrogant, self-satisfied and even obsessive behavior. It is crucial that you learn to be easier going and open to alternative thoughts and opinions. Failing to curb your bias and obstinacy can easily ruin your wonderful plans and dreams. You are friendly and affable, socially.  Your faithfulness and concern are limitless and you think of your friends as your brothers and sisters. 

You are highly superstitious. If it seems rational, because you are determined to put your ambitions into action, you will take a chance. People have a high regard for your self-control and are drawn to your style. No matter how eccentric you can be at times, the confidence that others place in
you is justifiable because you are totally trustworthy. 

If you are not victimized by your own faults, you will be able to achieve a lot in life. You run the risk of becoming too rigid in your positions and demeanor or foolishly stubborn and biased. When you were young you were experimental, toying with various political theories and life-styles, but once you decide which are best for you, then you stay with them. Having made up your mind about something, you stick to it.

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