Aquarius is the sign of the Genius, the Innovator, the Mad Scientist, the Radical, the Outsider, the Catalyst. People with their Sun in this innovative sign base their identities around breaking up the status quo, shocking the “Establishment”, and catalyzing social and technological progress.
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Symbolized as two lightning bolts, a number of prominent inventors such as Thomas Edison and Galileo are Aquarius Suns. The same qualities that make Aquarius willing to break with the status quo in matters of science and culture make it willing to either break the law or break with tradition. This is why Aquarius is considered “the Outlaw” of the Zodiac.
Aries, sitting sixty degrees away from Aquarius, is the Warrior, the Trail Blazer, the Pioneer, the Dare Devil, the Ass-Kicker. People with their Moon (emotional needs) in this competitive sign are emotionally nourished by anything that involves kicking ass, moving fast, charging hard, and starting trouble.
Whether in business or sports the textbook Aquarius/Aries individual excels at asymmetric warfare – the type of combat that small, quick moving special forces teams or tech start ups specialize in.
Astrologer Jefferson Anderson refers to the Aquarius Sun, Aries Moon individual as “the visionary and the innovator, the pacemaker who is always ten steps ahead of everyone else physically and intellectually.” Astrologers Suzi and Charles Harvey emphasis this combination’s fighting instincts and penchant for rebellion:
You tackle problems with great gusto … but you are not easy to live up, and few people want the glaring truth and a sparring partner all of the time. A friendly egomaniac, you want the best for everyone and are prepared to fight for it, honourably, of course. You will do things your way or not at all, and you will put yourself on the line to the last.
You have a quick, aggressive mind, a keen sense of your own intellectual powers, and a sort of judicial attitude toward the rest of the world. This is one of the positions of a genuine superiority complex, and you have to look out that smugness and self-satisfaction do not make you unpopular. You have a detached intellectual interest in all manner of things, a broad, deep, and honest mind; but you need bolstering up on the emotional side. You tend to be cold, aloof, detached – at the same time that you are very eager to have people listen to you. You are sound; what you know is accurate, well thought out, and well put. But your great abilities will go unrewarded until you learn that you can’t be a walking mind.
You have a real need for people and for social activity; you probably come of a good family with a good heritage both of blood and brain, and doors are opened to you automatically that are closed to many. If you improve on your social opportunities by learning to be less arrogant, to appear less sure of yourself, to look once in a while as if you needed sympathy, you will find people warming up to you much more. Naturally these qualities get in the way of your expression of love, for though you are needful of affection, a certain awareness, rising from your mind processes, makes you appear less warmhearted than you really are, and your utter independence is not good for awakening the Gentler Passions.
You desire people to deal with things the way that you do because you are headstrong and impatient. No matter how bright, flexible, and clever you may be, selfishness and impulsiveness often undermine your efforts. You just have to be your own manager because teamwork is not your strongest asset.
Uneasy, high-strung, and always way ahead of everyone, both mentally and physically, you get mixed up and annoyed when you find that others cannot always maintain your pace. Even though you have imagination, prudence and innovation, you are not as smart as you think you are. The term that describes you most accurately, in fact, is individual. Your manner is sophisticated and, while you are always nervous about communicating your newest ideas, you have a problem building a relationship with your audience, because your zeal to talk is rarely matched with an eagerness or capacity to listen to others.
When you meet what you feel to be ignorance or perplexity, you get worried and annoyed. You believe the best protection is a strong attack. But this tactic usually has the opposite result. To compensate, you may adopt a hard offhand manner and you end up making more foes. While there is a lot that needs to be handled, Aquarius-Aries can be the combination of the visionary dreamer and trailblazer. You have to work on the emotional side of your personality for starters. After that, develop a trust in people once you learn to treat others diplomatically and to value what they have to
say, there will not be much you cannot accomplish. You are impatient in romance just like you are in everything. Others will judge you a fool as long as you evaluate them so unsympathetically. Be a little more tolerant and understanding if you really want to reach some of those big dreams. An applied scientist, social theorist, or inventor is possible in your future because of your brilliance.
Aquarius-Arians are always aimed at the future, and can generally be found at the head of their professions, working for progress and change. Being more open to the insights and ideas of others is essential for you to learn. Your intellectual development is ahead of your emotional development. You have a short fuse and are inconsistent and your anger and indignation can be frightening. You may become unreasonable and unpredictable if you feel threatened. Underlying feelings of uncertainty and insecurity are the cause of this.
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