The Fast-Talker
Aries is fast, ambitious, and mobile. Gemini is high-strung, excitable and, above all, communicative. Combine the two and you get an individual who is fast-talking and swift-acting, with boundless energy and enthusiasm.
You are definitely an individual! Independent to an extreme, you always knew your our mind and are never without a ready answer or solution. People know when you’re around, because you are constantly moving about, gesticulating, and very often talking up a storm.
You articulate each passing thought, idea, and emotion with vigor and emphasis. And you are always right: No one can defy the authoritative Aries-Gemini. You possess an incisive (and, at times, cruel) wit and your need to communicate every little thing can be exhaustive. If you are not careful, others who don’t understand your nature may find you pushy and tiresome. Abandon the stage occasionally and give somebody else a chance to have his say. Learn to be a little less self-centered and opinionated, and try some thoughtful reflection.
You take in everything in your environment with lightning speed. Forever alert, nothing ever slips past you. You are quick to spot a phoney and just as quick to let him know. Tact is not one of your virtues, and this may be one reason you sometimes alienate others. Learn to keep some of those pithy observations to yourself.
Despite this lack of diplomacy, you are usually popular. This is because you exude such amazing confidence and expertise that others can’t help but respect and admire you. You are never one to sulk in a corner, unless your need to communicate is somehow thwarted by an inattentive (or unappreciative) audience. If so, you may be subject to a sudden but fleeting temper tantrum that people around you will long remember.
You can be rather high-strung. It is vital for you to have plenty of positive outlets for your nervous energy and vitality. Stay active. You’re versatile and industrious, and work is often
your best form of release; your ingenuity and originality can be useful in many fields. A jack-of-all-trades, there are few things at which you can’t excel. Investigative reporting, mechanical engineering, science, and law are just a few fields open to an Aries-Gemini.
You need a partner who is tolerant and receptive to that constant flow of ideas. Like all Ariens, you must learn to value the needs of your partner as much as you value your own. Although generous and affectionate, you may be unintentionally smothering the one you love with an overbearing and overprotective attitude.