Libra - Positive and Negative Side

Libra positive sideThe Libra Personality Expressed Positively

Libras who use their talent for mediating disputes in their daily life are acting out their own innate sense
of harmony, and they manage to do this without appearing to be nosy or intrusive. They have a genuine desire for peace and equality in every relationship, and when they are happy these attributes are easily attained and flow through their actions.

On a Positive Note

Libras displaying the positive characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

  • cooperative and trustworthy 
  • excellent companions 
  • refined and artistic 
  • idealistic and romantic
  • good negotiators 
  • fair-minded
  • strong believers in good causes 
  • planners
  • charming and sincere

The Libra Personality Expressed Negatively

libra negative side
An unhappy or frustrated Libra can be hard to get along with and deliberately quarrelsome. If Libra feels that she is lacking in power, she can do a lot of moping and self-pitying. Also, if Libra doesn't get enough attention, the result is likely to be a lowering of confidence and self-esteem. Libra needs to shine in someone else's eyes, and unless she does, she cannot be at her best.

Negative Traits

Libras displaying the negative characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

  • fearful
  • lazy and indecisive
  • manipulative
  • know-it-all 
  • flirtatious 
  • narcissistic 
  • jealous 
  • depressed

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