A Birth of Your Natal Chart

As we all know science began with the stars, and mankind discovered in them the dominants of the unconscious, the “gods,” as well as the curious psychological qualities of the Zodiac: a complete projected
theory of human character
- Carl Gustav Jung
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It is beyond question that the great ancient design of the zodiac is a wondrously conceived graph aimed to depict the structure of the Logos, the pattern or creative evolution, the essential constitution of the universe and the course of the current of life in the cosmos, and by analogy in man the microcosmic replica of the macrocosm...Man...was to fashion his new body of spiritual glory “after the pattern of the heavens,” the frame of the heavenly or zodiacal man, the primal Adam 
- Alvin Boyd Kuhn


Why Should We Interpret Our  Natal Chart?

In order to arrive to the ultimate human goal - happiness - we have to get to know ourselves (and accept us for what we are!). One function of the Natal Chart is to identify the strengths and abilities we possess so that we can capitalize on them. Astrology has been described as a stairway leading into your deeper self.
The second function, and the focus of this chapter, is to help us identify ways that we create our own problems and cause unhappiness for ourselves and those around us. The planets are not responsible for our happiness or unhappiness, but only point out the ways we create self fulfillment or self-defeat. The chart is a guide to facing the resulting problems honestly and directly. Self-defeat is more of a problem for most of us than any criticism an outsider can inflict on us.
Do you know the ways that you are your own worst enemy? Traditionally, astrologers have looked at the twelfth house for the answer to this question, but the whole chart should be surveyed. Studying the charts for planets that are in difficult signs, houses and aspects will reveal how you're contributing to your own barriers.

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 We are born at a given moment, in a given place,
and like vintage years of wine, we have the
qualities of the year and of the season
in which we are born.

-Carl Gustav Jung
We all have a tendency to repeat over and over again our self-defeating patterns in our lives are like patterns used in making clothes. The someone can be used over and over again.Once we identify a self-defeating behavior pattern, however, the chart can lead us to an understanding of its root and points us in direction to deal with our weakness in a way that leads always to the greater benefit - understanding and strength. Each planet, sign, and house describes how you how operate in a particular area of life.

But, that's not all. Beside mentioned day-to-day, practical use, Natal Chart, (astrology in general) extends to and synthesize many dimensions. It is worth mentioning the future and the past for instance, but without tendencies to think of any resemblance to fortune-telling. My personal opinion is that that kind of prophesying is an entirely unrelated discipline in completely another field of activity, although unfortunately, many people commonly view astrology as mostly fortune-telling tool - they readily order predictions, although they have never done their Natal Charts. In all astrological techniques there is a rule that, in addition to the practical application, explains the essence of astrology: "What does not appear in the natal chart, this will not happen in the future." One can't create future without foundation, and astrologically, foundation is a power of introspection, and astrology is a language we use to name the building blocks of our beings in order to link them - back - from the Microcozma to the Macrocozma, the place of its creation.

What happens to a person is  a characteristic of him. 
He presents the pattern and all the pieces fit.
One by one, as his life proceeds, they falling into places according to some preordained design.
-Karl Gustav Jung
Interpretation of the natal chart does not have the slightest feature in common with anything supernatural or psychic. The Natal Chart is a map of our Beings that sketches out our qualities and our limitations, but also gives us guidance on how to upgrade one or overcome another. Subsequently.we begin to develop the capability to understand what our karmic Tasks are- what we should upgrade or overpower in this life. Instead of living the life causes as grave, fruitless anguish, horoscope can, if we listen, show us how this challenge can transform into the stairway toward self-fulfillment and happiness. Due to the fact that a Natal Chart is just a roadmap, its not our  predetermined Destiny, you will know how to find it easier to cope with difficulties, how better to make the most of their talents, in which fields you will easily come to fulfillment and where you indicate that you are looking for the stars and the food of love.

 That great astrological concept, with his, nevertheless absolutely real ability to take a glimpse of a future, integrates the Time, as well as the Space in itself - it provides guidance about how to fulfill our soul's Plan, our chosen path for this lifetime. Fulfilling our Plan is important to the Whole.
Astrology reveals the cyclical nature of life. It demonstrates that we are part of an orderly universe: the moon circles around the earth, the earth circles around the sun, one season follows another. Our lives imitate these cycles, being a Microcosm of the great Macrocosm. We can hardly notice these patterns and cycles without also conceding to the existence of a Higher Order, an organizing if not creative force—a Logos.
Astrology also suggests that life continues beyond death. What meaning would the chart have if it were not part of a larger process of evolution? And what meaning would our lives have if they were not part of a larger process of evolution? Therefore, astrology leaves open the possibility of reincarnation in its huge Space-Time odyssey that reflect in its traditional saying:“As above, so below. "

All of life is interrelated and interdependent, in a holistic universe, the parts synergistically combine to form a whole. The whole is more than the sum of the parts, and each part is indispensable to the whole. So it is with our charts.The individual entering life reflects the energies present in the universe at the moment of birth. The energies of that moment can be read in the sky and are represented in the chart. Thus, the chart is a picture of the energies of that moment, which the individual born at that moment personifies.
Your Natal Chart is moment of togetherness of you and Universe, wrote in the core of your personality.

That's why we should go behind the Sun Sign...

When someone asks, “what sign are you?”, it is extremely likely that you will answer by telling them the Sun sign at the time of your birth. The fact that the Sun is said to be “in” a sign at any particular time does not mean that there is any real connection between the Sun and the constellations of Leo, Gemini, Pisces, and the rest. Rather it simply means that the Sun was in a position between the Earth and the section of the ecliptic named after its constellation. The Sun sign is the astrological sign that we tend to most readily identify as ours, and almost everyone who picks up an astrology book automatically turns first to the Sun sign pages. A considerable number of the assertions the writer makes about the general characteristics of a Leo or a Virgo “the inward you” – the “you” only those closest to you would recognize. The enormous publicity which Sun signs have received in the past 70 years or so seems to have thrown this rather out of kilter. Many people now know so much about their Sun sign that they unconsciously behave in the way the descriptions suggest, and the Sun sign now seems more accurately to portray the “you” people experience when they first meet you, while the Rising sign represents the “you” known by your parents or your lover. Experienced astrologers know how to make allowances for this ambivalence.

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I often liken your Sun sign to the role you’ve been given in your grand drama. One can think (as Shakespeare
did) of life as a play that one enters into at the time of birth. You are the leading actor in this drama, and
the role you are acting is your Sun sign.
Another analogy is that your horoscope is a painting of you. The characteristics of your Sun sign are the
broad strokes that the artist first lays down on the canvas. The artist outlines your general shape, the planes and angles of your face, the way in which you hold your body. In the same way, your Sun sign delineates your general character
Yet a typical remark often made to astrologers goes something like this: “I’m a Capricorn, but when I read those descriptions of Capricorn, they don’t describe me very accurately.”
Remember, the Sun sign is just the start of your portrait, the broad strokes. You also have a Moon in your birth chart, and it’s probably in a different sign from the one the Sun is in. You have planets in your birth chart, and each may be in a different sign.
You are a complex and unique combination, unlike anyone else. Any attempt to give an accurate description from only a Sun sign falls into the kind of error H. L. Mencken was referring to when he remarked that “for every complicated problem, there is a solution that is short, simple, and wrong.”
Only by studying the entire birth chart can an astrologer begin to get a complete picture of a personality. Even then, there is a certain latitude for error simply because human beings are not carved in stone. We change a little every day and with every person we meet. Love, tragedy, success—each circumstance of life alters us. However, the essential person remains. And the Sun sign is the outline of that essence.

What is your Sun Sign?

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