Personal Moon Astrology Report for Antoinette

 Moon in Taurus

Dear Antoinette, I'm really happy that we share our passion for astrology, and thank you again for being here all this time.
This is your Personal moon Astrology Report from Facebook Snow Moon Celebration Gift

MOON in Taurus: Natural Security

With your Moon in earthy Taurus, your natural resource is secwity, supported by your
loving awareness of and connection to the green, living Earth. When you feel grounded
in your body and connected to the larger body of the~ you are tapping into your
reservoir of power. Aligning yourself with this power gives you the ability to provide
ease and comfort for the people you love, and to delight in your own senses. By feeding
your Moon, you gain the ability to create pleasure and abundance no matter what life
throws at you. You intuitively understand the depth and beauty of loved ones. building
relationships based on interdependence rather than dependence. As you go even deeper
within, you can discover a natural gift for creating environmentally respectful practices
that allow the flourishing of all life.

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