Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Gemini

 The Quick Study

Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Pisces

Originally posted: Snow Moon Freebie on my Facebook Page

Another unusual combination!
Sun in Earth, Moon in Air: Self planet "down-to-earth", planet of Emotions colored with fast thinking, love of communication, intellect.
Why this combination is so great? Using colloquial language Capricorn is the most may be accused of not taking things seriously and Gemini is the most unserious sign that often gets accused of not taking things seriously.
You're the one that make other sex going! You can wind them up and string them along, tantalize and unravel them, make wicked promises to increase the tension and engorge the true life fantasy that sex is more than just, well, sex.

In short, you're a woman with game.

And 'game' is what the Gemini Moon does best. It's about back and forth banter, the intellect in motion, the communication of bodies with and without words. The Gemini Moon specializes in sex with a context, a multi-leveled connection, a story.
But, what actually makes you Femme Fatale is your totally unexpected side- when after knowing you as flexible, versatile, and adaptable. they, so deeply taken into the Game, realize how well-organized, disciplined, practical and goal oriented you are!
So, everything that be taken as a bad side of one of those two signs are cancelled by another one - too be more precise (and of course without looking at your complete chart) you're almost perfect!

Capricorn is the hard-assed, hard-working, hoof-busting strategist of the zodiac. Gemini is the fast moving, highly flexible, fiber optic wired communicator of the zodiac. Pair the mental agility of a Gemini with the strategic instincts of a Capricorn and you get a Sun/Moon pairing that is methodical, calculating, determined, and freakishly intelligent.

Seriousness that Capricorn gave you in your personality isn't expressed as (just) restrictive as in other Capricorns: you like advancing in life, but that is optimized by the emotional part of you that's more of a (very fast) butterfly...You have the best of Air and the best of Earth. (Mind and Practicality)

However, you have to be aware of nervousness and worry - read a lot, talk a lot, think a lot, but sometimes do that in a purpose of clearing up your emotional life and resolving emotional part of your relationships. Don't just start a million things without making them complete.

Do you do a straight up and down presentation at work or do you introduce a unicycle and a bag of doughnuts to add variety? Your serious side is complemented by your playful nature, and your ability to bring humor to proceedings is usually well judged.
And, just to be clear: your words are also calculated and well chosen, with little wastage, and those hoping to indulge in mind-numbing gossip with you are likely to be disappointed.
You would make a great teacher!
..and even if it were double maths you would find a way to make your lesson interesting for your students.
In a relationship, you're likely to want things well ordered and will need to know that your partner wants precisely the same things as you and is sticking to the plan. And emotionally? You're cool, of course, and able to do just about anything to avoid showing
your feelings. Not big; not clever. just saying..

Do you prefer cities?
Do you always have a return ticket in your hand?
Do you love speed, traffic, school, crowd, movement, communication?
Are you a really great speaker?
And all of that you put in a good service for your advancement?
I would like to know. Write!

Dear reader, you can get your Sun/Moon Interpretation, too.  Please visit the Offer Post, or go directly and leave me your combination in comment on my Facebook Page, so I can interpret it for you!


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