Sagittarius - Femme Fatale


The Sagittarius is the eternal gambling gypsy who reads fortunes, and their own luck tends to swing wildly. The risk taking ways of this lady can put any man on the edge through instability, reckless and a wild side. Within the Sagittarian is the restless explorer, along with a great striving for knowledge geographically or in the spiritual and mental
realms. The Femme Fatale of the Jupiter ruled kind, hates to feel trapped and loves to have the freedom to roam the universe.

Sagittarius eroticSagittarius always sees the big picture and pursues possibilities and it’s not always enough that a trip
, a piece of art or event is simply what it is. It has to be meaningful, and Sagittarian’s joyously perceives the meaning of life, even its little moments can take on a larger universal understanding. A fear of meaningless engulfs them and they much prefer to see that life has purpose.

The vixen is half horse half woman and sometimes when the urge strikes, they hit the road for some new adventure.

This half-human and half-horse composition has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings, caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the Lapiths (their kin), or conversely as teachers, like Chiron.

Sagittarius erotic
The personality is often ardent and outspoken, especially about the things they believe. The Sagittarian has countless affection for possibilities, opportunities, and openings and will naturally recoil when asked to give up all prospective avenues of potential for a mate. Not all Sagittarius' are bad choices for lovers or a marriage partner due to this insistent urge for freedom and the Zeus/Jupiter myth and his womanizing ways is only a portrait, sure some people live out a planet’s qualities quite literally with lovers around the clock, but some also live it out simply through the endless romping through future goals, travelling around the world, and studying a wide range of topics.

Sagittarius eroticThe Sagittarius Femme Fatale won't take too kindly to the jealous, critical, badgering type who cramps their style. Also, be prepared for a temper which can be violent along with self-aggrandizement. In mythology, Zeus’ punishments were usually invoked by anyone challenging the god’s position as ruler of the universe. Usually the punishment was to strike the culprits with thunderbolts burning many offenders to ashes.  Sometimes Sagittarius, seems so positive, manically up, and can be prone to manic flights and these kinds of violent mood-swings can be difficult to live with, but one mustn't lose hope for the triumph of the spirit can overcome the darkness in life.

Sagittarius eroticAstrologer, Sue Tompkins,The Contemporary Astrologer's Handbook (Astrology Now) calls the Sagittarians the Tigers of the zodiac all bouncy and excited and exaggerated. The energy can burn with great passion and enthusiasm - full of eagerness for new experience. However, watch out, if Sagittarius is crossed they have a bow and arrow to use as a weapon. In honesty, the arrow is actually pointing up at the heavens, and it illuminates truth and is all about the global actuality as they consider the whole and the totality of life taking it all inside of their spirit in one giant whole. The endless wonder, theological speculation, and morality of life, all fascinate Sagittarius infinitely.


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