Libra Horoscope: March 2015

You have the power

Libra Horoscope: March 2015
This might be an explosive month for you when it comes to relationship matters, but if you play your cards right, it might also be a month of personal revolution and empowerment. In the end you'll know what you want, because you'll be tired of dealing with what you know you don't want.
On March 3, a lucky break is likely to arrive from a friend or social contact. He or she may introduce you to a person who has the power to help make one of your aspirations come true. On March 5, you'll want to pay attention to your soul. You may crave extra time alone, and it'll be a good time for inner reflection -- either with a therapist or on your own. Meditate, journal -- do what you need to do in order to quiet any outside noise and pay attention to your spirit.
Between March 11-16, things might become quite dicey in the relationship department. Sudden twists and turns that lead to new terrain is likely. If there are any cracks in the pavement of your relationship or domestic world, you can expect them to break wide open during this time. You simply can't continue to ignore a marriage that is unfulfilling or a family matter that requires your attention. Remember, suddenly you'll know what you no longer are willing to put up with. It's time to do something with that information and make a change.
On March 17 and until April 11, you might benefit financially from sources in addition to your own direct income. Investments, royalties, inheritance or even a tax refund are all possibilities.
If you're looking for a new job or extra work, events after March 19 are likely to help you get exactly what you're looking for.

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