Virgo Horoscope: March 2015

Show me the money

Virgo Horoscope: March 2015
Anticipate a happy development with finances this month, Virgo! This news may seem to arrive out of the blue near March 3, much to your delight. It may have to do with an inheritance, an investment paying off, or it might even connect to bonus money you had no idea was coming your way.
A Full Moon in your sign on March 5 will highlight your emotional side. Others might see you revealing your innermost feelings more, and if so, that's a good thing. You won't have any trouble expressing your sentiments for others, and because of this you can anticipate positive developments in relationships.
Because your personal needs are also out in the open, you might spend more time attempting to actualize them this month. Again -- that's a good thing!

On March 12, Mercury will enter your relationship sector, and communication between you and your mate will likely improve dramatically until March 30. Use this time to make important decisions together, or to have conversations that are on subjects that have more to do with your spiritual and creative side.
If you're involved in any legal situation, a positive development is likely between March 17 and April 11. You are protected and favored in all legal matters during this time. Also, if you have any publishing, advertising or international-related business, you'll have a wonderful ability to make money on these projects now.
A Solar Eclipse in your relationship sector on March 19 signals a fresh start in partnership matters. This might have to do with your personal life, but it could also be professional. You may decide to take on a new partner or client in business. The alliance looks promising.


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