Astro Alert! Sun in Gemini - for all Zodiac Signs

It's time to pick up the pace! The Sun is moving into breezy Gemini from May 21 to June 21, 2015, signaling a lighthearted time to meet new people, explore new ideas and learn new things.

Astro Alert! Sun in Gemini - for all Zodiac Signs


Gemini is a curious and intellectual zodiac sign, ruled by planet Mercury and the wing-footed messenger god. This connects Gemini to ideas, information and communication, which is why so many of us do a lot of extra thinking, analyzing, learning and chatting time of year.

Gemini is also restless, preferring to do 20 fantastic things at once instead of focusing on just one (how boring!). Yet all of this unfocused energy can make Gemini seem scattered and fail to finish what they start, so don't be surprised if you find yourself doing the same while the Sun is in Gemini.

This may be a confusing time for some people, because there are two sides to Gemini. They are symbolized by the Twins because there is a dark side and a light side that can see both sides of every situation and change moods in a moment.

So if you find yourself changing your mind a lot and having trouble sitting still now, you can look to the Sun in Gemini for an explanation.

Those born from about May 17-23 were born on the Taurus-Gemini cusp, and those born from about June 18-24 were born on the Gemini-Cancer cusp. Being born on the cusp simply means that you were born during the transition time between two zodiac signs, so you retain some qualities from each sign.

More than anything, Gemini brings an affectionate, playful and fun energy to everyone this time of year. If you can learn to enjoy it all without overextending yourself during this time, the bright, playful energy of the Gemini Sun will light up your life!

Here's how to make the most of life during Sun in Gemini:

What to do

A million things at once! Gemini is far too mentally active to sit still doing one thing. These are the folks you'll see browsing the Internet with 10 different tabs open while they watch TV, eat a sandwich, talk on the phone and text a few different friends at the same time. Don't be surprised if you find yourself multi-tasking more than usual while the Sun is in Gemini, and don't be too hard on yourself when only half of those things get done.

What to say:

Anything and everything to anyone who will listen! Gemini is the communicator, and they've got a lot to say -- they can talk almost non-stop, spouting facts, cracking jokes and asking questions like a five-year-old going "Why? Why? Why?" It's almost impossible to get a word in edgewise with a Gemini around, and with the Sun in Gemini you're likely to hear an increased amount of chatter everywhere you go.

Where to go:

As the Sun transits Gemini, our lust for knowledge will be on the rise. Satisfy your need to know with trips to the library, catch a foreign flick at the indie movie theater, or take in a lecture or class at a local community college. You can learn something new by meeting new people, too, so get out there! Accept every invitation you get and meet as many new people as you can.

What to wear

Gemini doesn't take life too seriously, and the best attire this time of year is something playful and colorful to match that carefree Gemini mood. You never know where you'll wind up now because Gemini is always up for anything, so it's best to be prepared. Wear whatever you like, but be sure to pack a spare bag with workout gear, a swimming suit and a cocktail dress wherever you go.

What to buy: 

Shop for anything that will engage the mind or allow you to communicate, such as books (you'll start more books than you finish while the Sun is in Gemini), computers, iPads, pretty stationary -- all that stuff. And make sure you buy a blank journal and a good pen to bring with you everywhere you go, because ideas come fast this time of year and you'll want to write them all down!

What to watch out for

Hyperactive Twins sometimes overthink and over-analyze things to the point of anxiety, and you might find yourself doing the same while the Sun's in Gemini. If so, try a relaxing activity that will get you out of your head, such as yoga, watching silly TV programs or just keeping your hands and body busy. Gemini is also known for quick and cutting wit, so be careful about speaking too quickly or making offhand remarks that hurt someone's feelings now.

What to look forward to

Having fun, meeting new people and learning new things. What are you waiting for? You better get started, there's a million things to do while the Sun is in Gemini!


If there's anyone who adores receiving cards in the mail or phone calls of admiration on their special day, it's you Gemini. A natural born communicator, you're the type who constantly pursues all forms of intellectual stimulation. On your birthday, there's no better treat than good old fashioned dialogue and partying with friends and family. In fact, you might be so popular that you realize your voicemail is full and you've got a bunch of text messages to return before you've even had your morning birthday coffee!

Change is the name of the game

Perpetually curious, you're someone who'll likely be an eternal student. It's not uncommon for you to have your hand in several projects at once since your interests tend to be so diverse. Variety, in your opinion, is certainly what makes life interesting and you simply must have continual change in order to feed your restless soul. While you're malleable nature often produces a flexible personality, at the same time it's possible that you sometimes have difficulty following through on a commitment or project. This will be especially true if you're bored. Be careful not to flake out on a responsibility and avoid the seductive trap of gossip. If you have something to say, be sure to say it directly to the person it's meant for so that you can avoid any unnecessary communication drama.

Cerebral and social, when it's your birthday it's definitely time to have fun! Your fickle nature might make it hard for your friends to know for sure what gift you'd like most. Thankfully, since you're not one to take things personally, as long as you have company and good conversation on your special day, you'll feel like you have it all!


Ruled by mental Mercury, Gemini is the communicator of the zodiac -- and what some people might jokingly call the most schizophrenic sign. This is because Gemini has a dual nature: part brainy intellect and part scatterbrained chatterbox. One half of Gemini wants to drink coffee and read the newspaper, while the other wants to swig whiskey and chatter on the phone. Together these qualities combine to create smart, funny, interesting people who are versatile and adaptable, and able to see both sides of any situation.

Check out how a Gemini acts in real life with this article by Maria DeSimone!

What we love about Gemini

Gemini is clever, curious, talkative and flirty. Their versatile minds bounce from one topic to another with ease, making them fun to be around and often inspiring.

Why Gemini drives us nuts

Listening is not Gemini's strong suit, nor is sitting still. Easily distracted, they may fail to finish things they start. Gemini also needs to be careful about cutting others with their razor-sharp wit.

Gemini advice

Learn to slow down, calm your mind and center yourself through deep breathing exercises or yoga.

Most compatible matches

Gemini is most compatible with fellow Air signs Libra and Aquarius, and with Fire sign Leo.

Least compatible matches

Airy Gemini is least compatible with watery Cancer and Pisces, and with earthy Taurus and Virgo.

There's more to compatibility than just your Sun sign! Check to see if you're matched up with the best sign by trying our Free Love Compatibility Meter.

Born on the cusp

People born on the cusp share common traits from two different zodiac signs. Check to see if you're a cusper!

 Lovers Tarot card-GeminiGemini at a Glance

  • Element: Air
  • Glyph: ♊
  • Quality: Mutable
  • Color: Yellow
  • Ruling Planet: Mercury
  • Ruling House: 3rd House of Communication
  • Tarot Card: The Lovers

Read all about GEMINI


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