Sagittarius Moon in Love

Sagittarius Moon in Love

Offering the Freedom to Fall in Love

To attract a Sagittarius Moon you will need to give them the space they need to be themselves if you don't want them to bolt. You will know when you have earned their trust when they feel comfortable opening up and expressing their faults to you.
This is something that doesn't come too easily - well, to anyone really, but especially to a Sagittarius Moon. The irony for them is that such an openness endears them even to their opponents, not to speak of a close partner.

Once they commit, they are dedicated and loyal and make great partners. They are protective of their partner and friends and you will be able to count on them when you are in a bind. When you have a problem, their optimism alone can help you find a way through to a solution. Their positive outlook and enthusi­asm can lift you up, especially when combined with their usually good sense of humour. They can be fun to be with. They ore very romantic, as one would expect, and love to wow their lovers with gifts, surprises and unusual demonstrations of love.

Sagittarius Moon partners ore trustworthy. They pride them­selves on sticking to their commitments and are saddened when life demands a compromise that impinges on their values. This can be their great strength or their weakness, as they may not be as flexible as they need to be in a complicated shades-of­ grey world. Their pressure valve for this is their philosophical attitude, which can help them reconcile themselves to the oddities and imperfections of life, as long as they don't allow their pas­sionate emotional nature to get the better of them. This also gives them a great deal of comfort and underscores a nature that seeks meaning even in the small things. It further helps them to reconcile themselves to their own problems and gives them the chance to take something good out of even the most difficult of situations.

Drawing the Arrows of Love

When their 'principle-first' view of life becomes too strident, how­ ever, the Sagittarius Moon can become difficult or overbearing. They can think, rightly or wrongly, that the force of their emotions can help them push through any obstacle, sometimes earning them a reputation for being pushy. The choice for them is which battles are worth fighting and which are better ignored.

Sometimes they are so focused on what they think is important that everything else seems irrelevant or a distraction. There is the story in the Mahabharata of the five youthful Pandava princes who were studying archery with Dronacharya Guru. Arjuna, the best of the students, faithfully hit even the most difficult targets. His guru asked him what he saw as he took aim. Did he see the tree? 'No,' came the answer. 'The bird?' 'No' yet again. 'The neck of the bird?' 'Yes, the neck.' 'Only the neck?' 'Only the neck.' To which his guru exclaimed that this kind of focus is what makes a brilliant archer. To some extent this idea finds expression in Sagittarians, as their focus gives them the goal, but sometimes to the detriment or neglect of other things. They are therefore known for being intense, driven and able to deliver, but are often catching up with things left undone.

A good marksman hits the target with the bow fully drawn. Regardless of whether it's openly expressed or emotionally felt, the Sagittarius Moon almost always has a fully drawn bow at the ready. You may find this challenging if you are the kind of person who accepts life's paradoxes more easily; not needing answers to all the questions.

In some cases the Sagittarius Moon can see meaning in almost anything, and will express this with a display of absolute conviction - and there is nothing more forceful than a Sagittarius Moon being 'right' about what is right. While they sometimes are right, the extreme expression of this attitude can limit their ability to discern what is really happening around them. Not too infre­quently they are surprised by life's sudden turns of Fate and complex entanglements. It can take courage to stand up to them and meet them head on. But if you have the guts to do it, in most cases you will find that they are not as rigid in outlook as it first appeared.

In fact, the Sagittarius Moon has a gentle simplicity of spirit that is not always evident at first hand. They love nature for its harmony and splendour, and have a passionate poetic quality to their hearts that expresses itself in grand gestures. Anais Nin, a Sagittarius Moon, is depicted by one biographer thus:

'Indeed she can be described as a witch of words. Very early she sensed the magical power of words to produce states of being, such as ecstasy, languor or dread. Her ambition was to transform the ugly realities of life into beauty, as the beast in fairy tales becomes the handsome prince after achieving a certain wisdom. She desired to distil the pure from the dross.' 2

This touches on the magical side of the Sagittarius Moon and its focus on purity, transcendence and heightened experience.

On the more mundane side, they do not easily tolerate the slights of others and are often quite sensitive, more than would be expected from a warrior-sage. So don't be surprised by their occasionally strong emotions. Those around them often learn - some­times the hard way - that they are only influenced by sweet words, never by force, despite being sometimes forceful in their own expression - another aspect of their 'royal' nature.

In fact, despite a generally compassionate nature, they don't always suffer fools gladly and can be quite direct. So, if you are in a relationship with them, it would be useful to be comfortable with their candor.

Also, their thirst for newness and excitement can make them restless or pensive. If you see this in them, act as a sounding­ board to get them talking. Getting them o share their ideas is the first step to inspiring action in them.

The Sagittarius Moon lives for authenticity, aspires to genuine relationships and in the purest sense isn't shy about challenging or being challenged. To bring out the best in them, you should give them the chance to express their principled, chivalrous and romantic nature. You will need to have a sense of magic about life, love a good debate now and then, and be willing to give as good as you get. Sagittarius Moons make good partners for Gemini Moons, but also do well with Pisces and Leo Moons. Having a Sagittarius Moon partner means that you have a soul­ mate who will help safeguard the value of your own deeper self and be ready to defend your right to express it.

2 Valerie Harms, 'Stars in my sky'

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