Virgo Moon in Love

Virgo Moon in Love

Seducing the Vestal Virgin

If you are in a relationship with a Virgo Moon it is helpful if you also aspire, to some degree, to a similar excellence in your life and love. At least the appeal of the ideal and the pure should be something that you are comfortable with, although it may be helpful if you lighten up your Virgo partner a bit now and then, especially as they tend at times to be serious and a touch critical.
In this regard you should also be able to tolerate, accept, understand or welcome the kind of critical emotional faculty that comes with a Virgo Moon. This is not always easy and can come with mixed messages that are quite confusing. To understand this, we should begin at the beginning of a relationship with a Virgo Moon.

The first thing you will need is a desire for the hunt and the stamina to pursue what is not easily attained. A Virgo Moon's discriminating taste and critical eye can make you feel evaluated and sometimes found wanting. The Virgo Moon doesn't easily give their heart to anyone; the suitor has to prove their worth, pass the test and live up to the ideal love that lives in the heart of the Virgo Moon. It's therefore important to enjoy the chase and the challenge. You will need persistence, cunning, tact, discretion, humour, good taste and the ability to appeal to their sensual nature without giving a hint, especially to others, that that is what you are doing. Seduction takes place under the sacred veil, in the mystery garden, simultaneously expressive yet clandestine. Above all, you will need patience and you will need to be clever, because it can at times feel as though the Virgo Moon is as inaccessible as the vestal virgin ensconced in the temple of Diana.

Once you have set your mind to the task, nothing gross or boisterous, pompous or ostentatious will do. Wit and charm and, most importantly, devotion will win their hearts. You will get there by degrees. Expect to pass a few tests and remain patient when you feel that you deserve the reward: if it is withheld, it's because it is not in their nature to give themselves too easily. If they do, they will be prone to self-doubt and an inner ridicule that you will need to tend to, so, if you can, cultivate the relationship carefully over time - you will both be happier in the end.

And when you have won their hearts, expect to live up to the promised standards, because a Virgo Moon remembers all the little details of what bought their heart. A shallow or temporary interest is bound to fail with a Virgo Moon, so think in terms long and true. It's a relationship that demands that you walk your talk, otherwise you should expect the wrath of rapier emotions.

Perfect Just the Way They Are

In a relationship with a Virgo Moon, remember that they are always trying to live up to their sense of personal perfection. It is painful to them to be found wanting and anything that shows that is even more painful. So, although they are able to dissect them­ selves to a more precise and cruel standard than anything you are capable of, they are desperately pained if you are the person giving notice of any shortcoming. The first emotion they feel in this case is 'Don't you know I know that already!' Remember that playing along with Virgo means being honest in a discreet way - and this discretion applies equally to both genders.

Self-criticism helps create another Virgo trait, which has two main manifestations - competition and jealousy. In reaching for their goals, Virgo Moons can be quite competitive, especially when they feel that the competition is initiated from another party. While their first trait is to offer service and support, this can quickly change when their own service is challenged in the form of a critical view of their efforts, or worse. If the challenge comes from someone perceived to be encroaching on their emotional or relationship territory, this crystallizes into jealousy.

There is no gain to be realized in trying to make a Virgo Moon jealous, however. Not only can they be good competitors, but the wound they feel from such a slight is not easily forgotten. Sometimes, depending on the rest of the astrological chart, they may be prone to unwarranted fits of jealousy. To the observer, this may seem illogical, but comes from the Virgo Moon's own sense of inadequacy or striving for the acceptance of their partner. It is therefore important that their partner regularly offers sweet words and other comforts that tell them they are loved - and perfect just the way they are. And it is equally important that once their part­ ner has proven their loyalty, they make the effort to check this tendency and give them the benefit of the doubt. This, together with a bit of give from both parties, will ensure a positive, recipro­ cal and contented relationship.

When the critical Virgo sword tip is pointed at you, it is best to deflect it, unless you enjoy a good debate. Try and help them shift this towards a more productive expression and encourage them to give up rigid attitudes that can create difficult or unmanageable conditions in your relationship. Maybe the best way to do this is to point out to them that they too are uncomfortable with it. Get on their side of the table and have what I call 'a 360° conversation', not one in opposition. With a little effort they will appreciate that you have helped to relieve the tension and opened up the chance for a bit of laughter and an 'easy does it' approach to life.

Whether it's in a relationship with a single person or with a team of people, the important challenge for a Moon in Virgo is to encourage others to buy into a mutual set of standards . Experience will always tell the Virgo Moon that it pays to create consensus. They will need to make their inclination to high ideals secondary to the process of creating consensus, but with practice they will come to know that this is a more effective way to build agreement, either at work or at home.

Despite the more challenging aspects of a Virgo Moon, they strive for self-satisfaction and contentment and a balanced relationship offers them the chance to bring out the best of their personality. To do this they need to ensure that they maintain a sense of individuality in their relationships. They should consciously try to be their own person and avoid relying too much on their partner for their sense of self-worth and life purpose. Getting the right balance with this is important in any relationship, but with the Virgo Moon it is essential to avoid a dependency that can severely limit their expression, creativity and inner value. It is also important for maintaining the spontaneity that is helpful and nurturing in a relationship. It will keep the partnership out of the rut and keep repetitive behaviour patterns from creating boredom and inertia.

Virgo Moons are practical, sensual and alluring if you are able to decipher the special codes that give you entrance to their hearts. They are immensely gratifying partners for the right person and offer a great deal of support for their chosen partner. Astrologically speaking, they are especially good for Aquarius, Libra and Cancer Moons, but are beneficial in many ways for anyone who resonates with their unique nature.

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