AstroAlert! Sun opposite Pluto


Sun opposite Pluto

This is the time of year to recognize the forces that compel you and the obsessions that drive you. Awareness can effect a fundamental change.

The effects of power - your own and others'- are more apparent. A battle of wills can surface; whatever engages you now typically demands your full attention. Pressure that has built up can propel an issue into the open, and an extreme position can leave you unwilling-or unable-to compromise. Based upon the strength of what you want, you are capable of going to great lengths to get it.

This transit marks a major growth period in your life in which you struggle with the buried elements of your personality and ego as you learn to accept, transform, or face them. You may be acting in a controlling, jealous, or overbearing manner which can alienate others or even push them away. This comes from a deep fear of letting go and surrendering to the idea that some things cannot be directed or controlled. As this fear surfaces, your behavior may be compulsive or obsessive; or you may experience these traits through someone close to you, especially a male. Either way, you are learning to detach yourself or let go of something, someone, or attitudes that are no longer serving you well. However, the process can be lengthy and challenging. Your higher mind may know better. You may yearn to live with a "what will be, will be" attitude, but it's very difficult to do so just yet. You may feel threatened in some way, and you might feel somewhat paranoid. This can be something you experience on a subconscious or emotional level in that you are unlikely to feel physically threatened. Instead, you might fear the loss of a significant other, a lifestyle, a job, or other significant part of your life. What you need to do is avoid turning this into a self-fulfilling prophecy. The fear itself may lead you to compulsive, suspicious, or difficult behavior; and this behavior might cost you the very thing that you hold dear. You tend to act on impulse and often don't listen to reason--even your own!

Pluto transits to the Sun challenge us to face up to unexpressed or poorly expressed traits of our Sun sign, house, and aspects. We discover our own power and strength, and we re-work our very sense of identity, which invariably affects our life path. How we have defined ourselves to date is now challenged. In some cases, women live this transit through key male figures in their lives. These transits force us to confront our will, power, assertion, and authority. Sometimes, the relationship with the father or other important male figures come into focus. We face the need to be more independent, assertive, and autonomous. Perhaps most importantly, Pluto transiting our Sun puts us face to face with exactly what it is that has been holding us back from living life more fully and meaningfully.

This transit calls you to redefine your value system and life attitudes, and generates intense energy in your life. You are likely to experience events that highlight the need to trust, let go, and have faith. You may have to deal with willfulness and issues of power and competition this year--in others and in yourself. There is an inner drama taking place, and a feeling that external circumstances are undermining your own feeling of powerfulness. In the process, you may be able to get in touch with your internal motivations. A tendency to want to control your life through some form of manipulation is strong during this influence. You may act in a more selfish or ambitious manner, and this intensity might even surprise you. Meeting with obstacles in your path, however, can force you into the position of using all of your resources to fight back, and you can discover resources you never knew you had in the process.

You are likely to emerge from this cycle perhaps feeling a little battered but certainly more in touch with your deeper needs. You may have learned to stand up for yourself or to have faith in your strength. You most likely have experienced some form of psychological transformation or rebirth of sorts.

Look for Leo in your natal chart, as the Sun rules Leo, and this is an area of life that will be directly affected by the transit (in addition to the house where the transit actually takes place).

~Power is the central issue of this transit. On one level, you may try to gain more control over other people, or they may try to gain control over your actions. At work, your boss may either give you more work and responsibilities than you think you can handle or he may insist that you do what you have promised to do in the past, but have up to now successfully avoided. Don't be contentious, although this may be your initial reaction. First try to discover how you can realistically handle the new duties; some new method of working may be called for. The transit will test your ambitions: how well you have planned your course of action, how hard you have worked in the past, how efficient you have become. Your energy is high now and needs to be directed into constructive channels rather than expended in reckless rebellion. If you are in a position of authority, don't expect others to keep up with your fast pace. You may feel like driving yourself past the breaking point, but employees or co-workers will rebel if you push them. On another, deeper level, you can use this time to gain control over your own actions. The challenge here is to understand why you do something in a particular way, not to repress those traits you don't like. Buried in your subconscious, they may smolder and suddenly burst into flame. Bring hidden facets of your character to the surface, so you can examine and understand them, then make needed changes. An aggressive approach now is not the best; try for an assertive one instead. Treat people in authority (bosses, policemen, IRS people) with velvet gloves; belligerence only brings you more problems.

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