Dating an Aries

Dating Advice and Tips for Dating an Aries:

Dating an Aries

Don't think this is going to be an easy one. Dating an Aries is no walk in the park. An Aries needs a challenge and difficult goals, both physically and emotionally. Boring conversation will make this goat want to run to the hills, and a non sincere, not clear and straight to the point attitude might end this date even before it has begun.

People born under the sign of Aries are ruled by planet Mars, which means they have a lot of personal pride, and sometimes can be hurt very easily. The Aries admires and loves people who express energy and power.

Aries Dating Tip:

In the area of love the Aries seeks protection, and will fall in love only with those who are stronger than them. Aries people do not follow social tradition and have an independent way of expressing themselves. Another dating advice: Don't get turned off too quickly if this Aries doesn't behave as expected, there might be much more behind the facade.


If you’re dating an Aries, on your mettle! Welcome to the feistiest and the most independent star sign – the sign most likely to make the first move, least likely to run scared, and probably the most red-blooded sign of the Zodiac.

Does this mean the Ram is sometimes a little too hot to handle? Well yes, if you’re looking for a quiet life and you hate arguments, then all that butting and thrusting might be too much of a good thing. If, on the other hand, you’re in need of a mega shot of testosterone and are desperate for a bit more excitement in your life, then dating an Aries will be good for you.

As a FIRE sign, Aries’s passion for life burns strong and bright. Because it’s also a CARDINAL sign, it has a strong need for initiatory action, which means it’s a self-starter, at times a risk-taker, and finds delays and set-backs a huge pain in the butt.

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These aren’t the kind of people who want to play second fiddle in a relationship. Preferring always to call the shots, whatever their sex, Arians tend to play the traditionally masculine role. If you’re looking for a knight in shining armor – or a dominatrix to crack the whip – you’ll be in heaven dating an Aries.

Because they’re turned on by adventure and excitement, Arians enjoy dates of the adrenaline-pumping kind. We’re talking energetic dancing, extreme sports – depending on their age and level of fitness, either as a participant or observer. What’s important is that for a date to be meaningful to Aries, it has to be associated with an unforgettable sense of thrill.

Strong on spontaneity, Arians lose interest in dating schedules that are organized too long in advance. They’re the sort of people who prefer to make arrangements at the very last minute. So if you're dating an Aries, you’ll need to be prepared to drop everything at their beckoning, and often slot into their schedule at the expense of your own.

Tip for a Date with Aries

As the very first sign of the Zodiac, Aries has a child-like naivety that sometimes makes it think the whole world revolves around its needs. Arians can be extraordinarily self-centered, it’s true. But – in a perverse kind of way – isn’t that actually a big part of their appeal?
Impress Aries by finding out about an underground vaudeville spectacle or all-night dance party. Try to score front row seats or access to the V.I.P.

section of an event, and watch them revel in their number one status. Bring them into a rarified and glamorous environment, like a film festival. The Aries shines among top-level people and would enjoy watching them test their mettle, and if possible, participating. This could be anything from a sporting event to a spoken word competition.

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