July 2016 for all Zodiac Signs

This Month’s Overview Horoscopes

General Forecast for July 2016

What the stars have in store for us in July?

On this Page:

Insecurities Of Each Zodiac Sign Revealed…

Even mighty Leo has some Insecurities

Zodiac Insecurities

No matter what zodiac sign you are born under everyone has things that aren’t 100% secure about… whether they admit it or not.

The Zodiac Signs on a Bad Day...

The Zodiac Signs Stress Reaction

Zodiac Signs Feeling Down
Everyone has off-days where they aren’t feeling quite their usual self. However often the ways in which people cope when things aren’t all rosey can vary quite dramatically from sign to sign.
Some of the zodiac signs are more likely to get anxious and insecure in their lower moments where as others will turn that energy into rage and anger.

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