The Cosmo compatibility report & Scores

The Cosmo compatibility report is "all purpose" report. It deals with the the general compatibility between two people, whether friends or lovers,or any other type of relationship You'll be left gasping as you suddenly discover facts about you and your companion that you probably never knew!
Also included is this report is a personality compatibility score for the relationship that could be quite interesting to review.

Harmonic Highlights Report

    A cool natal report based on harmonics and cosmobiology. Very good personality insights in this report. This report gives a brief interpretation of your birth chart. You will be impressed by the ways in which the aspects interpreted in this report which describe major issues in your life and in your personality that are not described as clearly by the more commonly used aspects. Hopefully this analysis of harmonic aspects will be useful and helpful to you.

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This is your Natal Chart with Karmic report 

Your natal astrological chart shows not only your karma (the rewards and lessons from past lives but also your dharma, the high spiritual path your soul set prior to this incarnation. Free choice will determine how close you get to that path, but first it's useful to know what that path is. 


What is your Sun Sign?

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