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12 Cusps Zodiac Signs

Check out the explanation of the Cusp Meaning

Were you born in between two Signs? Is your birthday between the 16th and 24nd of the month? 

 cusp zodiac signs

Choose your cusp:

Aries/Taurus Cusp (April 19-23)

2015 Astrology Prediction

2015 Horoscope

Great lessons bring great rewards


 Astrology Calendar

Fashion Astrology 2015

fashion horoscope 2015

We want it or not, but our predilections in clothes, in complete set of wardrobe, in a choice of accessories, are substantially defined by our Zodiac sign. Also appreciable influence at our individual style is rendered by Ascendant, Moon, Saturn or stellium of planets in a certain sign which are considered in an individual horoscope.

The Top 10 Zodiac Signs Hot Combinations - Sex Horoscope & Quiz

1. Scorpio woman and Taurus man: Water and earth make everything grow.

Sagittarius - Positive and Negative Side


The Sagittarius Personality Expressed Positively

Sagittarians are naturally playful and good-humored. They have a laid-back, philosophical view about life and people that keeps them from taking themselves, their problems, and their concerns too seriously. At their very best they are self-deprecating and free-spirited. Although they are likely to have some firm opinions on many issues, they are the spirit of tolerance.

On a Positive Note

Sagittarians displaying the positive characteristics associated with their sign also tend to be:

Zodiac Signs Sex Info

Astrology & Sex are closely knitted to each other as it is quite often said and believed that sun signs determine the sexual desires.

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Weekly Astrology: February 23 to March 1, 2015

Buckle up and enjoy this week's roller coaster ride!

Weekly Astrology 

 This week may feel a bit like a roller coaster, thanks to many different cosmic influences happening one right after the other.

Aries - Positive and Negative Side

The Aries Personality Expressed Positively who are driven to push the boundaries of their chosen passion display the self-reliant, confident, and resourceful personality of their sign. They realize that they are on their own, but that that is a good thing, as it motivates them to be a shining example of what it means to be your own person.

How to Seduce Each Zodiac Sign

If you've got someone in your romantic sights, tailor your seduction style to their zodiac sign! It's a surefire way to snare a love interest, and these moves work for established relationships, too. Be sure to consult this column and check your horoscope the next time you want to turn up the heat!

Aquarius-Pisces Cusp

Born on the Aquarius-Pisces  Cusp

Born on the Aquarius-Pisces 


Born between about February 15-21

The Cusp of Sensitivity: A dreamy, compassionate place

The interesting mix of the Aquarius and the Pisces on the Cusp can often lead to amazing results.

Aquarius is a fixed air sign ruled by the planets Uranus and Saturn linked with discipline and hard work, progress and mastering in eccentric things, such as technology. The Pisces sign is a mutable water sign ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. While Jupiter is linked with expansion of all things, Neptune is more about illusion and disillusionment, fantasy, art, and spirituality. Aquarius-Pisces cusps are eccentric, creative, open-minded, reformist, compassionate, and spiritualist. This union marks for individuals with the duality of life.

A Day in Life of Zodiac Signs

Daily Routine of an Aries:

Elements in Astrology

These are Astrology basics- if you want to study Natal Chart or just your Sun Sign, this will help you understand how astrology works.
All the Zodiac Signs are divided in four groups, and every group is assigned one element. Every sign in a group has temperament very similar to other three.
Fire, Earth, Air, Water.
Everything that exists is composed of these characteristics, and every astrological sign manifests one of them as well.

You’ll notice in the above figure that the elements in each of the signs form a triangle;
that’s one of the reasons they’re called the triplicities (the other reason is that
there are three signs for each element). And signs that share an element share certain
characteristics, depending on what that element is.

What makes Zodiac Signs tick?

Those are Karmic Lessons of every Zodiac Signs. Sun Sign in which you were born explains what is your purpose in this life, why you was sent to earth.

What Makes a Pisces Tick?

     Karmic Lesson for those born between 
January 20th-February 18th

What Makes a Pisces Tick?
The lesson for Pisces centers on why her life does not provide her with as many opportunities as she would like to use her unique sensitivity to others to gain the appreciation of those she would most like to help and associate with. People born under the sign Pisces want to learn how to get close enough to people to be of assistance to them without becoming overwhelmed by their needs and neediness. The more honest and honorable a Piscean is, the more she hesitates. Pisceans seem to fear that the world will expect more of them than they can give.

Advice by Zodiac Signs

Every Zodiac Sign has it's subject - the topic they are the best advisers for. It doesn't maen that that's their favorite subject (but honestly, very often is) because it depends on other aspects of the Natal Chart. (Planet Mercury is all about communication, so MAKE YOUR NATAL CHART to see placement of Mercury)
Nevertheless, Horoscope points out the way how Zodiac Signs give an advice and the topics they are specialists in...


Valentine's Day Horoscope

love zodiac valentine horoscope

See what Cupid has in mind for your Astrology sign

Valentine's Day 2015 Horoscope

Aries Love Horoscope

Aquarius Femme Fatale


                                January 20 - February 19
aquarius sex life

The woman born under the sign of Aquarius has as its zodiac reference Fixed Air. The sign is of the water bearer even though the sign aquarium denotes air. The Aquarius woman because of this contrast has a blend of seeking approval from her sexual partner and also of nonconforming to her partner’s sexual needs. The Aquarius woman is very intelligent but can make trivia mistakes unexpected of a woman of her intelligence especially in keeping sexual relationships exciting.

How to Saduce a man by Zodiac Sign

Oh yes, that's for real! knowing his Zodiac Sign will give you a leg up on the competition.
I used to do it all the time- i would find out the (at least ) Sun and Rising Sign of my crash, just to know how to approach

How to Seduce an Aries Man: March 21 – April 20 

How to Seduce an Aries
The Aries man is fiery. He is a self-starter and a doer. He likes being #1 and has to take the lead. He likes a challenged both intellectually and physically. Seduce your Aries man by surprising him with an outrageous adventure and physical workout. The Aries man considers sex a great physical workout - do not hold back sexually, because for Aries sex and love often are one. Always try to challenge an Aries man. If you surrender, he will lose interest and you will lose him. Seduce him by being direct, provocative and blunt, but never pushy. Appear

Free Natal Chart Report for Lauri - Updated

Ascendant in Leo and Sun in Gemini

Though you care very much about your dignity and the way you are perceived by others, you have a very
mischievous, playful side that pokes fun at anyone taking themselves too seriously (including yourself!). Also, although you have great loyalty, you are flexible and playful too, so consequently you do not allow your commitments to become too burdensome.

Free Natal Chart Reading for Erin


Free Natal Chart Reading For Cynthia

Dear Cynthia, we didn't clear up what kind of Reading would you like, so I made you Natal Chart to start with.

For a FREE READING apply on AstoChat Forum or Facebook Page
Free Natal Chrt Reading for Cynthia 

Ascendant in Virgo and Sun in Scorpio

Although you appear conservative, polite, and unassuming, at heart you are very strong-willed and passionate. Your cool, refined exterior masks a much more raw and intense nature, as discussed below.

Sun in Scorpio

Aries Love Profile

Aries, the Warrior

In mythology, Aries is the god of war - aggressive and demanding. Accustomed to getting what he wants. For Aries, part of the fun of romance is the chase. You don't want to be too easy a prey for this hunter. The more Aries must work to win his prize, the more he'll cherish you once he's won your love.

Libra - Positive and Negative Side

Libra positive sideThe Libra Personality Expressed Positively

Libras who use their talent for mediating disputes in their daily life are acting out their own innate sense
of harmony, and they manage to do this without appearing to be nosy or intrusive. They have a genuine desire for peace and equality in every relationship, and when they are happy these attributes are easily attained and flow through their actions.

A Birth of Your Natal Chart

As we all know science began with the stars, and mankind discovered in them the dominants of the unconscious, the “gods,” as well as the curious psychological qualities of the Zodiac: a complete projected
theory of human character
- Carl Gustav Jung
free natal chart reading

Sun in Gemini, Moon In Scorpio

The Storyteller(Playgirl/boy)

The Sex Blogger and the Happy Hooker

(Doctor Mind Fuck and Mr. Double Agent, Professor Houdini and Detective Who-Dunnit (“In so deep you don’t know which way is up”))
sun in gemini moon in scorpio
You have considerable magnetism, but gadfly gifts make you both a persecutor and victim of the sex war. One moment you are passionately involved and totally committed; the next you are playing the field.
Using its premier date as its date of birth HBO show Sex in the City is a Gemini Sun, Scorpio Moon

Now, we are clear. Let's elaborate:

Sun in Scorpio Moon in Sagittarius

 The Forerunner

Sun Sign in Water, Moon Sign in Fire...thanx God for Sagittarius, it makes your Scorpio Sun still
deep and intense, but more open to the world!

Scorpio is Shaman and the Spy, the Hitman and the Detective, the Investment Banker and the Contract Killer, the Criminal Deviant and the Depth Psychologist,

Sagittarius, the sign immediately after Scorpio, is the Spiritual Seeker, the Evangelical Gangster, the Philosopher-Prophet, the Professor of High Adventure, and the Super Crusader of Quests and Faith. People with their Moon (emotional needs) in this wildly adventuresome sign need to be

Capricorn - Negative and Positive Side

The Capricorn Personality Expressed Positively

Surefooted and thoroughly practical, in the end the Capricorn goat always reaches the heights, beating others who are faster but less determined. He knows that substance and endurance will win out over flash and style every time. A Capricorn who is true to himself may appear to be somewhat cold and emotionally detached, yet those born under this sign are also generous and kindhearted.

Sun In Libra, Moon in Taurus

The Beauty Hedonist

Personal Moon Astrology Report for Antoinette

 Moon in Taurus

Dear Antoinette, I'm really happy that we share our passion for astrology, and thank you again for being here all this time.
This is your Personal moon Astrology Report from Facebook Snow Moon Celebration Gift

Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Gemini

 The Quick Study

Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Pisces

Originally posted: Snow Moon Freebie on my Facebook Page

Sun Pisces, Moon Aquarius

The Reformer

Originally posted: Snow Moon Freebie on my Facebook Page

All About Cancer

cancer zodiac signs personality and decans

  •     Sun is in Cancer: from June 22 to July 22
  •     Motto: "I feel”, “I wonder"
  •     Zodiac symbol: Crab
  •     Element is Water (imaginative, active dreamer).
  •     Quality is Cardinal (impactful, leader).
  •     Cancer is Feminine (receptive, impressionable).
  •     Polarity is Capricorn
  •     Ruler is the Moon
  •     Natural House is Fourth     
  •     Detriment: Saturn

Astrology Personal Moon Report for Suzette

Suzette, thanks for being with me and astrology for all this time!
This is your Snow Full Moon Freebie!

Snow Full Moon Astrology Freebie

Happy Snow Full Moon!
Find out more about Snow Full Moon in Leo
Here is Celebration freebie.

Scorpio - Positive and Negative Side

scorpio positive sideThe Scorpio Personality Expressed Positively

It is in the nature of Scorpio to pursue an interest or endeavor to its limit, regardless of personal cost or effort. That is how a Scorpio best fulfills his destiny. This is a Sun sign of extremes, and Scorpio often takes his desire for secrecy very seriously, resulting in cordial yet careful relationships.


Astro Alert - Full Moon February

Prepare for tomorrow's Full Moon (Tuesday,January the 3rd)!

Check out all Full Moons of 2015

full moon in leoLeo is a sign of leadership, and of creativity. With the full Moon in Leo, it’s time to let your light shine! Accept opportunities that will put you in front of a larger audience, or make more of an effort to share your creative talents with those around you. Whether you like to write, paint, sculpt, bake or teach -- whatever -- those around you will benefit as you share your wisdom and ideas.

Sagittarius - Femme Fatale


The Sagittarius is the eternal gambling gypsy who reads fortunes, and their own luck tends to swing wildly. The risk taking ways of this lady can put any man on the edge through instability, reckless and a wild side. Within the Sagittarian is the restless explorer, along with a great striving for knowledge geographically or in the spiritual and mental

What is your Sun Sign?

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